
“When this great nation was established, the African-American community experienced unemployment close to 0% in certain portions of the country.”

DeVos went on to express nostalgia for “nearly full employment of the antebellum plantation system.”

Well of course everyone would watch. We’d all want to know what he has cooking.

Some possibilities:

“What the fuck is a ‘pension’?”

Oh so he was just method acting his way into sexual assault, okay. That makes it fine, he’s just really, really professional.

This has been a favorite on blogabull for years now. May it transition to OKC fans in peace.

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

Man, ask a guy to give you the number of an escort and he gets all pissy…

How dare you give up faith? Here’s how Bernie can still win.

I know this doesn’t really stem the hurt, from his perspective, but Glacier is one of the absolute best characters on WCW/NWO Revenge or Nintendo 64. He’s bad-fucking-ass! Which makes sense, given the Sub-Zero connection.

Thank you!! That is ~literally~ my title and I couldn’t be more proud. Sending you a space nerd high-five!

That’s not as good as it circulating in the hands of everyday consumers.

dividends work. I never said they didn’t. But it steers wealth away from the poor and middle class. Econ 101 states you get more furniture stores when more people can buy furniture, not because more banks can offer loans. Your world sends most of the money up to let it trickle back down like gifts from benevolent econ

His golf “relaxation” has cost this country $10million in one month. Presidents do not get every weekend off. It’s insane and wasteful and an abuse of the office.

Certainly not! And, of course, while they disagreed with Obama politically, they recognized he had legitimately won the election and never supported Republican efforts to obstruct his agenda, because that would be hypocritical in light of their current complaints that Democrats are obstructing Donald Trump.

[polite applause]

Well, I will say this. I am very sure he’s not being hypocritical about this, and I’m sure if you looked at his twitter history there would be no tweets criticizing a certain politician for spending too much time playing golf rather than running the country.

Just a sampling of how many times that out of shape shitgibbon bitched about Obama golfing.