
ALL of the women in this gif tho! Not a single one is having it lol.

Nah, most of this is stuff only black people say, but “Stop that damn crying ‘for I give your ass something to cry about” is definitely something white people say too, and exactly like that.

I guess you are missing the part where all three of them were being held hostage? Do you really think the guy just told her not to leave the house and she was like, sure thing, and didn’t leave and that’s all that happened? Do you think that if she had said, no, I would actually not like to stay here so I’ll be

White-Oppression Complex (which, ironically, has the same initials as one of the only known antidotes for the disease—women of color)

This might be odd, but my burning question is “did she date other people too?”


Brian later told me that it took dating a few other people to realize how badly he got treated by them, and how I was the one he always went to.

My sex life isn’t your business. She is and dresses and looks like a woman. You, on the other hand, are looking like a jerk right now.

As someone who gets upwards of 100 emails a day at work, let me just say...

You know things have gotten bad when Donald Trump isn’t even the dumbest Donald Trump.

My son is a high quality person


I was just in a bar and we made the bartender turn to the local news so we could watch this, then cheered when the story came on. There is literally no on in Memphis who’s not talking about this and it’s AMAZING.

Dirty butthole revealing baby is in Memphis? I thought he was in Poland.

“You just didn’t think about it because, as a woman, you didn’t care until they gave you a hard time over a sleeveless outfit or peek-toe pumps.” Right there, you’re denigrating the story and the author by making the assumption she only cares when it affects women and imply that we don’t care about men’s rights just

Shortly after the video made its way onto the internet last Friday, the club confirmed that all four players had been released

Don’t like the dress code for men? Then try do something about it. Don’t just complain about women objecting to theirs.

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

That’s absolutely revenge porn. He should face charges. End of story.

You don’t say.