
Dressing like a scumback thug helps too I am sure.

Yep, “it’s a BMW” does not mean it’s expensive.

Sadly there are not enough stars for me to give this.

Great. First there was drunk, and now super drunk. Next there will be hyper drunk, e-drunk, and finally autonomous drunk. When does it end?!?

Congratulations to the deputy for doing ethical police work and busting the lieutenant. I hope he doesn’t get any shit from his coworkers for this.

*and don’t be an asshole. ... *And don’t get pulled over in the wrong part of town.

Above. Stupid drunk is fun and you do things like try to ride a dog. Super drunk is when you puke on the dog and then try to fight the dog and no one likes that guy.

Is super drunk above or below stupid drunk? Asking for a friend.

You don’t have to be a fanboi to see that this has been blown way out of proportion. 85% of the people bitching about lying VW don’t own a TDI, would never own one, have something against VW, and/or are just trolling. Of the remaining 15% who own a TDI, 99.9% of those people are riding the buyback train and feigning

Nope, I just find their buyback to be completely reasonably and the idea of stripping a car for parts and then trying to pretend that was the spirit of the agreement to be a stupid ploy. I don’t like VWs because I find them to be visually unappealing. My only cars I really geek out over are classic Land Cruisers.

The only thing I want to read about now on this story is how VW tells him to pound sand and put his car back together. Is VW a bad company for cheating the system and now inconveniencing people? Yes. Is this guy a total fool and did something most people would only joke about? Also yes.

These legends are true.

Legends tell of a time when you could buy a turbocharged Dodge Caravan with a manual transmission.

You let her chose? So long as I do the maintenance no way.  

Really milking this story huh.

I will laugh my ass off when VW does do the buyback on this vehicle and VW deducts the full retail value and labor to replace all the missing pieces and the owner ends up owing VW money.

This guy is a jerk. You shouldn’t help him publicize his stupid ploy.

I predict a 54% Crack Pipe loss for this car in the future.

Not even sure if this is legal to drive it like that on public road

Pacifica’s a pretty nice vehicle, although we ended up with a GC because we wanted something very basic.