
I’m a physician as is my dad, and we both ride motorcycles. Working in emergency medicine doesn’t mean you don’t do dangerous things. It might mean however, that you are more aware of the risks than an average person and know how to mitigate them a bit more.

Eh, I’m not going to go out and buy a Pinto or a Corvair, but all the same, if I let worries about safety rule my life there are a lot of things I’d miss out on. I’d never go sailing again, wouldn’t go to the target range anymore, wouldn’t ever go horseback riding, wouldn’t get on a motorcycle, never would’ve gotten

I survived a frontal impact with a Grand Cherokee in a Miata without an airbag. Traffic deaths are a myth.

I prefer it for its driving dynamics. Crash safety is not something I generally worry about in ‘90s cars. It’s probably safer than my current daily.

That’s my issue, too- I live 1.3 miles from work and yes, I drive. My engine barely has time to warm up by the time I get to work. Getting in the car, plugging in my phone or iPod and selecting a channel or album takes about as much time as my drive.

The all-Christmas-music switch is its very own brand of special radio hell.

My favorite Civic:

“that plays music going into every break”

“I recently had the thought that with classic rock stations, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ve heard every song on their playlist literally dozens of times before. It should be called comfort rock. Kinda sad, right?”

I don’t get any high school stations that I know of, but college stations are the best. Not always to my taste, but almost always interesting, even across different genres.

I live in Los Angeles. Traffic and people are rage inducing. My radio is *parked* at KPCC. The soothing voices of NPR calms me when some no-talent assclown cuts me off.

I listen to a local high school radio station that plays mix tapes made by the students with no announcer and the only interruptions are for student made public service announcements (some which were pretty funny). You have to go to a website to see what was played and sometimes the music runs out leaving dead air but

All of my presets are music stations. In the morning only 2 of them play any music. The rest play none. Not just excessive inane banter between songs. No songs.

Ugh, even worse, last night on my drive home I decided to listen to the radio for a change, and my music station was broadcasting a fucking football game. Don’t they have, like, entire goddamned radio stations devoted to that sports shit? It’s not even that I really have anything against football itself, but Christ is

Don’t even give me that. I don’t want weather. I don’t want news. I don’t want traffic. Hell, I don’t want to get out of bed. Shut up and play music. If another 9/11 happens, shut up and play music. Asteroid about to crash into the bridge right in front of me? Shut up and play music. Don’t even tell me who was just

(PS You’ll still be listening to shit.)

I’m going to form a band called The Tenacious Dingleberries and we will receive so much morning air time that there won’t be any left for DJs to spend yakking. much this. This is the reason I was an XM radio subscriber for years. Then XM started to suck and jack the rates up, so I dropped them like a hot potato.

I wholeheartedly agree. I don’t care about whatever bunk. Give me three things on the radio: music, traffic and weather updates, and music.

WOAAAHHHH WELCOME BAAAHCCK TO JIM JIM IN THE MORNING so we’re giving away some Katy Perry tickets at the bottom of the hour *fart noise* HEY WATCH IT LAUREN THERE ARE KIDS LISTENING JESUS CHRIST! So get this, some guy in Florida decided to get his Christmas tree from...wait for it...his neighbor’s lawn! Lauren: OH.