
Saw one of these the other day and totally forgot we got this Opel over here

Let’s keep it in the Pontiac family, the G3:

It’s an Audi. Worse, it’s an early-2000's Audi. If the price was $0 I would still go CP. I cannot afford the maintenance on a free Audi any more than I can afford the taxes on a free mansion. I am now going CP on all early-2000's German cars and free mansions.

This is the definition of CP. I have only met 2 people who were happy B5 S4 owners, and both of them happened to work for euro performance shops that made money hand over fist fixing these things so they knew what was going to break and they got a deal on parts.

Expecting a B5 S4 to be a reliable problem free car is

I was leaning NP until this:

Do you really want bigger turbos though? KO4s seem like a sweet spot for driveability and *ahem* “reliablity”


We would have also accepted a flagrant moose-knuckle. But this is good. Hopefully she will soon satisfy her body’s need for brake dust.


And yet if we asked her to lick our nose... we get this face

I think her knees would appreciate those pizza boxes from yesterday’s COTD pic $kay

Oh my gosh.............brefass scotch. That was created by engineerd if I remember correctly. I used to keep a log book of COTD awards. I still have the book, but I don’t use it anymore. Looking through it now, I awarded you a stem glass with a lady on it; a tanker truck of Guinness; and a black Corvette with lovely


She obviously misunderstands what, or more specifically on whom, a tongue bath is supposed to be performed on.

Well, I was hoping for a bikini on the moose, but I’ll take it. Thanks!

Is this an evil plot to get two stars from me?

Is this an evil plot to get two stars from me?

Does this help?