
Ford and Chevy produce some decent quality offerings (mostly in the truck range but they each have a good workhorse sedan). This is a list for boring-ass people who buy one car and drive it into the ground before they even consider getting another?

Out of curiosity, with an older Prius did you experience any issues with the hybrid battery? I’d heard that they tended to “have cells fail” around the 8 - 10 year mark.

All this list really is is the top 10 cars owned by frugal people. Cars changing hands before 10 years says literally nothing about their reliability and very little about their desirability. The simple fact is these are with few exceptions these are cars bought by people who don’t buy cars often.

Sally Field makes everything better. Even aerodynamics.

In my mind this lyric makes me think more of the “John Voight” K-car LeBarons.

<Im OK what this video says, its on point with gas mileage requirements and such.>

I’m a Premier fanboi and I’m not ashamed to admit it!

Props to you for including the Eagle Premier!

Ugh... I guess I’ll wade into this mess.

This says more about the lifestyle of the people that buy those types of cars than it does about the longevity of the cars themselves. When you have a family to care for and you are not at an income level that allows you to buy a new car every few years, you stick with practical family haulers.

Any coincidence that the CEO of the research firm is Japanese and the list is comprised mostly of Japanese cars?

Since when did Jalopnik become this beacon of perfection on cars that it can suddenly throw stones?

Top 10 list of cars for people who don’t like cars, with the possible exception of the Forester...maybe.


lol wtf

I’m thinking 70's Eldorado convertible. Plenty of those around for around $7k. Sure they guzzle gas, but if you’re only going 30 miles a week, who cares? Drive in style, and you can put all your beach gear in the trunk and still have room for two dead bodies.

The answer is Ford Galaxie:

A classic car comfy enough for Grandma? There is one answer. One.