
“Who are we to judge.” That’s exactly right. We aren’t... unless they ask. And when they do, they’ll get an earful on why payments, whether it’s to a lease or to a bank, will greatly diminish their financial future.

In the meantime, though, we will sit back, be quiet while they stay in debt and, as you say, provide

He said he “thinks” it is better to buy it. He is expressing his opinion, not giving advice. You say in your article that there is no right or wrong between buying and selling. So how come he is wrong? A bit too clickbait title for my taste. But yeah Jalopnik readers know that it is not completely black or white.

I have to ask... why do the average person’s financial decisions nullify Leno’s advice?

Don’t finance or lease a car if you can’t afford to buy it. That’s like having a cancerous mole and only removing 1/5th of it.

The “pay cash for everything” advice regarding major purchases that, for the vast majority of people, require the utilization of credit, is like telling a hungry person to go hunting. It is neither helpful nor realistic.

Paid cash for my fully depreciated BMW Wagon. I would not buy or lease one from new to much $$$ on a monthly basis.

So ... all of those limiting factors, and you didn’t figure out any limitation on the having her babies thing?

Its nice to finally have a face for @$kaycog

Here I am just meh about this. Wealthy person buys another expensive car. Meh. I’d rather read how Tavarish toils, fails, and succeeds with his true Jalop cars.

just friends? ;)

Whatever floats your boat.

Would leave wife for that accent

I own a Ford Crown Victoria, the last of the old American BOF RWD cars. Built in St.Thomas, Ontario, Canada. My Toyota Avalon that I had was built in Kentucky. My Tahoe was built in Wisconsin. And my favorite car I ever had was my 1989 Nissan Maxima GXE Base which was built in Japan. Where it is built matters less

As someone with lots of Irish & Scottish heritage, I am absolutely smitten by her looks — but it’s her love for cars that makes her so appealing! The kind of girl who can appreciate the differences between a 458 and 488 enough to actually OWN BOTH OF THEM at the same time deserves a Ford GT allocation.

I’ve told my fiance that Amy Macdonald is the one celebrity I’m allowed to leave her for... also, Emma Watson.

You mean station wagon.

While political necessity often reduces trade issues to bumper-sticker slogans

1st gear/headline image: holy shit that model bloat (even if the Outback didn’t sit higher)

Subaru also is making the whole line super fat.