
This road doesn’t have a shoulder, a disabled vehicle could still be on the road partly. Also, several states have a “slow down or get over” for law enforcement or disabled. So when encountering such a situation, one should slow down or get over, hur-dur. You’d have much less warning from that situation than Comcast

Are you seriously gonna copy paste this a million times?

Everyone worth having a license knows that the posted speed limit isn’t mandatory, especially in icy conditions.

You mean apart from the school bus you see in the video that’s actually out in that weather? That school bus?

Depends on where you live if school is cancelled. In most parts of WI, that amount of snow would get a hearty laugh if someone suggested cancelling school.

1. How the fuck do you know they were going 30mph.

Sure, the Comcast guy was morally wrong for not alerting idiotic drivers that they were going too fast.

You do realize that at 2:17 there’s a school bus, right? There are plenty of parts in the US where this weather is considered “Tues”...


What? where does school close for this weather besides the south where they have like $6 for snow removal budget? We WATCH a school bus drive by at one point for crying out loud.

Clearly it was too fast if they aren’t able to stop safely... That’s kinda the definition of “too fast”.

thank you.

To me it looks like people are driving too fast for the conditions. How would this be any different if someone was on the side of the road with hazards on? At least the Comcast guy had cones. Believe me, I hate Comcast as much as the next guy, but he’s not really the problem.

Agreed. The black ram went off the road and hit the cable box long before the Xfinity truck was there. This is people going way too fast for conditions.

Actually, after watching the video, 100% (yes, 100%) of the fault is the ASSHOLES that are going way, way WAY too fast for the road conditions. I see it every single fucking time it snows out here in WI, where people think that they can just keep going 40mph+ in snow, on ice, and without any type of snow tires

The Comcast guy wasn’t wrong at all.

There look to be more people that could handle the truck in the middle of the road than couldn’t, so that leads me to believe that those that couldn’t either had faulty equipment (improperly inflated or bald tires, etc.) or were driving too fast for conditions.

Comcast guys are douche canoes for sure, but I gotta say it really doesn’t look like they’re entirely at fault here. Iced over road and a blind hill on a road with houses all along it, can any of those drivers reasonably expect that they won’t encounter something like a resident pulling out of the driveway? No, and

OK, but why THE FUCK was the black truck going so fast?

Fucking Jerkoff in the black shitbox truck was cooking down that road, and i imagine those breaks have about 200k of mileage