
I gave up on my making my own car a while ago. Where was the news story about that?

If one has a wife who claims she will never drive a van, what do you think would piss her off more: me coming home in a Vanagon or an Odyssey?

She probably wants some SUV/CUV/Crossover, right? Vans are the greatest thing ever, and she has no idea what she’s missing. I am a bit biased however, and currently drive one (my third, a Mazda), by choice, after years of VWs, BMWs, MB and a Porsche.

Well, the rest of her is...brunette?

I don’t think I’d want a taste of her honeypot.

not pictured..

Of course it have hoonigan sticker on it.

Did you try to explain it?

Fuck the whole family.

That is the correct question.

What kind of a parent talks to their kid like that in any circumstance never mind in public? This country is one big Walmart.

Why bother busting the kid’s balls in the parking lot? She knows she’s going to give in to the kid.

LOL The probably-not-crashed-Mustang looming nearby as if to say “dude, WTF?” has got to be the most hilarious thing about all this.

There’s a reason there’s warnings on everything for every possible outcome. Because people do stupid things like giving toddlers 2 buckets of open paint.

[Smacks forehead] Buh! I guess my first car as a teen was also in my old man’s name... But it wasn’t a 370Z. This is like giving your todder two buckets of open paint and letting him loose in a newly-remodeled kitchen.

Wait a minute... so there’s a Mustang in the video and it’s NOT the wrecked car? Howindahelldidthathappen?

This post says it’s the kid’s, the video says it’s his dad’s... Which is it?

I don’t know what’s more embarassing. Crashing in front of bystanders? Having your mom yell at you in front of bystanders? Or having all of the above, while parked next to a Mustang

Now playing

That depends on which pixellated John Cleese you go for…

It’s $kay… I was afraid her post would be a scantily-clad Elton John posing on a car.