
All of these are well said. Slowing down, increasing your following distance, and having snow tires will make any condition but black ice or an absolute zero visibility white out tolerable.

I’ll add a couple things though.

1) Don’t assume your god damn SUV or truck is suddenly INVINCIBLE just because you have 4WD! I

I’m mildly curious as to whether there was some indication as to the fact that our friend Matt was Jewish (i.e. a yarmulke), or whether this toolshed in the plow just refers to anyone in he doesn’t like/anyone in a luxury car as a “Jew”.

Everyone that lives in a northern state and doesn’t understand how to drive in the winter needs to be dickpunched.

What are you driving? A base Caliber? Step up to anything with a Hemi and I highly doubt you’d say such things about the “driving experience.”

Honestly, this is just good advice no matter what season it is.

Most drivers need to do more of this, regardless of season.

Not necessarily comparing those vehicles. I more so meant Dodge/Chrysler in general going back through the decades. Their vehicles may not be as “good”, but they take chances building some stuff that has a little more flare, at least in my opinion.

Unfortunately the answer is no, most new LED lights will not de-ice themselves...

I never said they made great cars. I said they made cars with personality, in MY opinion. Might not be making the best business decisions, but they have made some neat cars along the way.

Like what EPA wants to do as it is.

You know that battery. The one that seemed a bit lazy starting the car in July. You’ll wish you’d changed that battery on any Sunday afternoon in July. Not in December, at 17:30, below freezing, in the dark, using a phone as a torch, because you need the car tomorrow.

I never said they were all great cars. Every manufacturer has made a turd.

Everyone who said some variation of “move somewhere warm” needs to be dickpunched.

If you have a truck or something with tow hooks, it’s always good to carry a tow rope. You never know when you’ll come across someone who could really use your help. I pulled three or four vehicles out of ditches and snow drifts last winter during the two big blizzards in the Mid-Atlantic.

If people read and heed all of this excellent advice the accident rates everywhere would plummet. Out of all of this, the best advice has to be slow down and increase your distance between other vehicles. For some reason even pretty good drivers tend to ignore this.

Practicing in an empty parking lot is one of the best things you can do!

The C in CAFE is for “corporate” not “California”. It’s set by the federal DOT. I believe you’re thinking of CARB, the California Air Resources Board. And I don’t see any reason the EPA getting out of the car emissions business would prompt CARB to do anything differently. Car makers would continue making special

It can’t be that hard to stick a new body on a Ram 1500.

Alternate solution: Make the new GW body on frame and done. Give the people what they want!!

It’s also key to “platooning,”...