
Came here to comment on how terrible and idiotic this idea is, but it seems everyone else beat me to it.

Flagg from the Stand and Flagg from Eyes of the Dragon are the same. In Drawing of the Three Roland even mentions a couple of characters from EOTD. Flagg is also Walter/Marten. It’s also likely that Andrew Quick (Tick-Tock Man) is the twinner of the Trash Can Man. Flagg/Walter is supposedly Maerlyn’s son, and also

I work for a company that does Control4, Savant, and AMX. This is Savant’s DIY product. They have a Pro lineup, with IR, IP, RS-232, and plenty of triggers and contact support. Having said that, I hate programming Savant and their IP driver library is abysmal compared to C4. The interface is a little more elegant

Simply wanting something does not equate to a sale though. When I was younger and less financially stable (read: poor) I had to constantly make choices between what I wanted and what was affordable. I’m better off these days but still work within a budget; I think most people do. In my house, as in many others, the

Not to mention jungle skiing?

What strikes me as off is that Republicans have no love for Game of Thrones. The show is all about war and vicious politics. It heavily features white folk invading and then ruling over brown foreigners, and has a church that can put gays on trial with the backing of the state. There is loads of violence against women

I know, right? They’re far from new products. All of those were around in the 80's when I was a kid.

You are out of your goddamn mind.

Ugh, Crackle is like all the shitty parts of Hulu, only with a worse selection.

Why do people keep acting like Arya pulled some new trick out of her hat? She changed her face (without permission) when she killed Meryn Trant. It’s obvious that she’s known how to for a while.

Living in a Charter covered area I can safely say that this merger will not improve either company in any way. Charter sucks and their customer service is abysmal.

Think of them as a lamp module for lighting control. You can plug in a lamp, leave its switch in the “on” position, and then control or even automate it without the need for adding wiring to create a switched outlet.

Think of them as a lamp module for lighting control. You can plug in a lamp, leave its switch in the “on” position,

I just put my son down for bed before reading this. My heart aches for this poor man. And that fucking smirk on that piece of shit’s face....They should have left the cuffs on and let dad work out some of his grief and anger.

“How about you either find a specific problem or else just admit you didn’t find it worth the effort?”

Well, I just checked out your link and I have no idea what you’re up to or about either, despite having read the overly optimistic word salad of a webpage you just linked to. It reads like the manifesto of a first year college student who has just discovered Daniel Quinn and leads with a chart created by extremely

Holy shit that's a brilliant idea! I'm totally hooked on Vilings too, she's amazing in that show. She's a total badass on-screen and off. Gorgeous too.

It would’ve been nice to see Vulture as a kind of “learning the ropes” baddy but in his latest intro he’s already gone toe to toe with Cap, Bucky, Falcon, and (Gi)Ant-Man. Basically most of the Avengers. He held his own pretty well for kid going up against the big boys so unless Vulture is going to be kitted out like

Didn’t catch this last night, but I saw this on Reddit today. Nice little insight into Arya’s POV. And now she can kill the Waif!

Yeah, the snarky “boring” musings are pretty whiny but you have to admit that the concepts for the seating and aisle look incredibly cramped and uncomfortable. The tech in this thing is incredible but these renders make coach class or a seat on a little puddle jumper prop flight look luxurious. I don’t think anyone