
So are you a teenager with no job or a douche-bro with a salary who thinks anyone earning an hourly is beneath them? Either way, go fuck yourself, you condescending dickbag.

Well, it helps if you first fly over 300,000 lbs of metal, fuels, and human beings into it first at several hundred miles an hour. An impact with that much mass and velocity will do a damn good job of wrecking the structural integrity of any building even before you set it on fire.

Look up some videos on metallurgy and blacksmithing. Most smiths forge steel at a temperature close to 1500 degrees, and they can do it by hand. When the planes that hit the towers impacted they had just taken off and had full loads of fuel.The weight of the buildings coupled with the stress of a high mass, high

Loved the movie and I will read the book soon, but having said that, Starkiller base was fucking stupid. Not only stupid, but needlessly redundant. I mean, if you show up in a system and devour the star, why bother with the blowing shit up part? Just give it a couple of days.

Ha, well played sir.

Love this. I would probably enjoy hanging out with these people. Especially Maria and Karlee. My kind of girls right there.

The Gatling laser uses fusion cores for ammo. It gets 500 shots per core, which sadly isn't that much. It's so ridiculously OP tho and takes any challenge out of the game. I'm at lvl 43 now and just now started using power armor so k have like 40-50 fusion cores and the Nuclear Physicist perk. Jet pack on the cheap

Yeah, Plasma weapons are pretty sweet. But they ain’t got shit on my fully modded Gauss rifle. That thing and the modded Gatling Laser are so insanely OP that I usually roll with a Plasma rifle, pimped out Combat rifle, or the Deliverer (awesome silenced pistol; think I got it for helping out the Railroad?) just to

Go near the coast and look for Children of the Atom. They have all the radiation weapons.

Hmmmmm.....I don’t think that helped. The Rainbow Bus club presents many more questions than answers. I’m sticking with my “beard” theory.

As a straight man, can anyone please explain the purpose of this incredibly stupid sounding app? Is it just a beard for guys that haven’t come out yet? A portal for unlikeable douche-bros to meet other unlikeable douche-bros? I mean, I’m 35 and in a committed relationship, and we have a child together. I know I'm a

I’m no fan of Harry Reid either. I don’t really care for either party anymore on the whole. I have enough distaste for politicians as a species to spread around. The GOP just pisses me off more.

This pretty much sums up the GOP’s attitude towards everything. They seemingly have no interest in actually governing or making any progress, only obstructing others from doing so.

I mean it’s a flimsy excuse. You’ve been using a machine for seven years without bothering to learn about it, yet you chime in and blame others for your ignorance. You have all the tools at your disposal to learn everything you need. So to help, Google the difference between LAN and WAN.

Nope, sorry.

This dude is my new favorite person. Back in my serving days I worked in a cool local joint (The Bohemian Cafe in Greenville, SC) that catered to all types. The owner was an avid hunter and lover of meat but he did offer quite a few vegetarian options, but nothing vegan. On one busy brunch (crazy busy, line out the

Who turns to Pat Robertson and the 700 Club for parenting advice?

Did anyone else get fucked my Monoprice and have their order cancelled? They accepted, processed, and confirmed my order on Sat morning, then cancelled it this afternoon. I don’t want a refund, I want my cables.

Did anyone else get fucked my Monoprice and have their order cancelled? They accepted, processed, and confirmed my

Edit: nevermind, user error.

Edit: nevermind, user error.

Ok, on the home page it says $1.99 for the 3ft cables. But when I go to checkout they’re charging me $8.49. What am I doing wrong?

Ok, on the home page it says $1.99 for the 3ft cables. But when I go to checkout they’re charging me $8.49. What am