
Damn, this November? Was really hoping for earlier.

Raclette is awesome! I have some German in-laws that introduced me to this; combine that with the fact that my wife is a cheese buyer for Whole Foods..................Truly, life is good.

How is nobody talking about the fact that Tony has Loki's staff, which is presumably the Mind Gem? Is this a clue as to how Ultron or Vision gains actual sentience?

From this trailer it looks as though Tony picks up the scepter at some point.

Am I crazy, or is Tony picking up Loki's staff at one point?

Your comments on phone orientation while pocketed make no sense.

Am I missing something? It shouldn't matter whether youre a lefty or a righty. Whichever pocket I put my phone in, it goes in top down. Headphone jacks on the bottom always seemed logical to me.

Demonoid sucks these days. Try instead.

what the ever-loving-fuck?

You are absolutely correct there. It was one of the main reasons I left.

Not true. When I make Jerk chicken i marinate pineapple in coconut cream and then grill it. Fucking delicious. But absolutely the worst pizza topping this side of a dog turd.

Abso-fucking-lutely. Don't mistake me, I love pineapple. It may well be my favorite fruit. But when I taste the unholy combination of pineapple, tomato sauce and cheese, my tongue has the same reaction that my ears used to when Dawn had those unbearable "finger on Tupperware" ads. It's like nails on a chalkboard,

Any time.

I never called them gimmicks. You're right though, Crestron is primarily an enterprise solution and with well trained, skilled programmers can work great. But I worked for a bunch of bozos whose entire business was primarily residential and all they saw were dollar signs. The sales guys would get kickbacks based on

I don't mind at all. I accidentally hit publish before I was done and my post was short. I posted an expanded version that should answer your questions.

Sorry, didn't mean to stop short there. Anyways, when I get a call for a job it usually starts with someone wanting a TV hung or a sound at added. I will then type up a proposal with several options and send it to the client. Since I'm not a dealer I tend to stick with things that can be easily ordered or even picked

Pretty much. Its my side job at the moment but I may turn to it full time in the future. I don't have much of an actual business model, but after years of working in the service industry and picking up a few clients from my previous job I've made enough contacts to keep busy in my free time.

Honestly I think the Internet of things is going to do some serious damage to the automation industry in the coming years. Apple will probably put a dent in their profits as well with HomeKit if it lives up to the hype.