
I have a Bodum cast iron wok that I purchased 5 or 6 years ago from Williams and Sonoma. It was the cheapest wok they carried, I think it cost about $80. This thing is beast. It weighs about 16 lbs and gets hot and stays hot, even on crappy electric stovetops.

Thanks for using mine! That just brightened up my Monday!

Number 2 was mine! It's a fond memory! 3 is pure gold though.

I have 12 years of restaurant experience and have done it all; serving, cooking, bar tending, managing, you name it. For the most part this article is spot on. I take exception to the "i didnt like it" one though. If you're in a restaurant and order a curry, then decide three bites in that you actually dont like

I'll probably be flamed for this, but here goes. About four years ago I was living in a house with two female room mates, both of whom I've known for many years and remain good friends with. Being an older house, the basement was a little creepy and there was a room off of the laundry room that was especially so. It

it would be, especially at the bottom of a chafing dish! The bread would get all crisp and toasty while basting in bacony-goodness!

I've been hit by 110/120V a couple of times too. It's not bad, but it will certainly get your attention. Just be sure not to mess with any 220/240.

i agree with kit, you really shouldn't be doing that.

I'm totally with you, but I'm a fellow tinkerer. I've always loved taking things part and figuring them out, and in the age of Google it can be incredibly fun and easy to undertake new projects. I'm an A/V technician now, but i also did restaurant work for many years. As a professional tech, i am continually surprised

If you're going to turn down a vomit tainted sandwich then you have no business eating at Subway. Seriously fuck that place sideways. Their shitty food and policies.

my wall

my wall

wholeheartedly agree on Avery IPA. Longtime fav of mine

As a drummer and Weezer fan, LOVE IT!

wtf did I just watch?

Every time I allow myself to think I have heard the pinnacle of Beck's idiocy he opens his mouth and from it spews something even more mind-numbingly stupid. If nothing else, the man is consistent.

Wow,these guys are sick. I haven't been single for ages, I'm 34, happily married, and we just had our first child; suffice to say ive been out of the game for a while. But here's a novel idea fellas: stop hating women so much and maybe they will like you! For fucks sake! I'm thoroughly average looking and not wildly

I don't care if they ran rouge. Running rogue is not cool though.

Sign up for Google Play Music. The free version lets you upload 20,000 songs for free, which you can stream or re-download on your device. If you pay the $10 a month for all access then you get all the good features of other services like Spotify and Rhapsody.

Ok, I got all y'all beat. I present.........Sewer Shark!

Huh, didn't know that. Not really an issue for me I guess. I've used Siri on my iPad only a handful of times, and I think I may have taken a picture once with my iPad 2. Good to know tho!