
Crazy that they won four WRC manufacturers’ championships in a row, then a pair of World RX titles, and still nobody (at least in the U.S.) thinks of them as a motorsport brand.

Like... what the hell is the point of this? 80% of the NBA has shaved heads. Did Boozer get an endorsement deal from Sharpie or something?

Is this the same color as the Corvair in Brooklyn Nine-Nine that Captain Holt describes as “Raspberry Sherbet”?

At least until somebody makes Solberg a team principal. 

I am more and more convinced that the design team drew up a more standard 3/4 series, and then the focus groups that said it didn’t look as “sporty” as the equivalent Audis because the grille wasn’t as enormous. So execs told the design team to make the grille more aggressive at the last minute, and they came up with

Now playing

So, when are you coming to Mt. Washington?

So dumb. Actual Silvias with real-deal SR20DET’s, minimal modifications and reasonable mileage are now easy to find from most of the JDM importers out there, at half this cost.

This is why I watch rally.

As a fellow car person, I have no idea how Biden coped with being VP and not being allowed to drive. It is genuinely upsetting for me to even think about it.

“Staying Alive” was in the scene where Dwight cuts the face off the CPR dummy. I wonder if they paid for it.

Re: the turbo 3, that’s almost three and a half grand more than a WRX for less power and no manual option. Yikes.

I’m reading a collection of Baldwin’s essays right now, and the way he talks about policing, particularly the mindset of white cops in black neighborhoods, is downright spooky.

That’s a great point. Malcom and the NOI would have been a lot scarier to white Christians than a pointedly nonviolent Baptist preacher.

Yup. Which plays into Americans’ temporarily-embarrassed-millionaires complex, because if an asshole like me can become ultra-rich (and/or scam his way into the presidency), then my ship’s eventually going to come in too.

I have that book (Anti-Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter) on my shelf right now. It absolutely terrifies me that it was published (and won the Pulitzer, as you say) fifty-six years ago, before partisan cable news and the Internet convinced everyone that they had their own little monopolies on the

Thanks for the explanation, and for your username, which is a goddamned treasure.

This. Poor white people in particular hate the concept of white privilege, even the suggestion that it might exist, because if you haven’t had to fight a race-based headwind your entire life and you still haven’t gotten ahead, well, how badly does that reflect on you? It creates cognitive dissonance and sparks a

There it is.

Can we start calling them “moist clutches” instead of “wet clutches”? Just putting it out there.