Wife: “How was your day, Joey?”
Wife: “How was your day, Joey?”
Drugs can be a difficult habit to kick so we understand why he hasn’t sought your advice.
Try to think of a more despicable person under the age of 50. Fuck, Snidely Whiplash was like 55 before he started tying women to train tracks.
I watched this and regretted it so, so much. Goddammit, Sorkin.
Sports Night, TWW, Studio 60 and The Newsroom also all had episodes entitled “What Kind of Day it Has Been”.
Your sentence is grammatically flawed, try not to do that when making fun of someone it makes you look dumb.
This 11-year-old kid just put together more tangible thought and words than the fucking President of our country has at any point in his life.
Friend, there are more. Many more:
“Just fuck me up, fam.”
Do you know who else was once seen as a great leader who took over a downtrodden entity, turned it around, scored some huge victories, and was loved by tons of white people?
Counterpoint: Anyone with a brain leaves Boston eventually.
This is also the White Sox 2o17 slogan.
Specifically, Ball said that LeBron’s sons aren’t primed for NBA success the way Lonzo and his brothers are because the pressure of living up to LeBron’s legacy will be too much.
I was at that game, and I can best describe the atmosphere as the world’s largest, most enthusiastic minor-league baseball game. Just ecstatic, everyone was so into it. Every time one of the teams would score, the players would clear out from the benches to celebrate, and they’d interact with the fans to get them more…
I’m always a slut for Animaniacs references.
Dear Rajon: