StndIbnz, Drives a MSRT8

Tonya Gruchacz’s CUE system became unresponsive within her four-year/5,000 mile warranty plan.

I’ve got to do a more thorough comparo before answering that. 

Man I have been anxiously waiting to read this and your thoroughness is awesome. Love your description of entering the Taycan for the first time. I could picture it so well before even seeing that photo.

Can’t wait to read a more direct head to head comparison of the Model S and Taycan... I’m curious, based on the

Wonderful write up, with lots of great information. I’m really excited to see a challenger to Tesla enter the market. (FWIW, my 2013 Model S P85 (RWD) has averaged 323 Wh/mile over 60,000 miles in snow country.)

Please, do tell us how the president is correct here, then. I want to hear how rolling back emissions standards makes the cars safer.

This is the big issue though. Trump believes himself to be smarter and more qualified that any actual experts. He actively ignores people with specific knowledge in favor of his own gut feelings. And since he has failed upward his entire life, it has only reinforced his belief that he is the smartest man in the room.

What larger picture? Abuse of power?

You can’t, even in your cabin in the woods, you’ll still find those “many blood sucking creatures”.

Someone needs to tell him about this amazing fuel-saving device that costs thousands less than all this junk they’re putting into cars now.

Trump knows plenty of things:

Because the safetymabob that connects to the envirodoodle is the same part on all cars. Everyone knows that, I’ll show you how you can remove yours and get your $3,500 check in the mail, it’s wicked easy.”

Somebody touches them and the entire car collapses. When somebody hits me, I want to be in as close to an army tank as possible.

Good god, man, all it takes is like a 10-minute briefing from a subject matter expert in the administration, or a 30-minute call with a few people from major automakers, and you can get your act together.

Deadspin Headline:

Came for this, not disappointed, although my version is a little shorter:

I always question when specific values are thrown out in hypothetical situations. He’s looking at the entirety of American automobile production and can say that every vehicle will be $3,500 less. Not a percentage of current cost, not “up to a few thousand dollars”, but $3,500.

As a power train engineer, I made it through half of his speech before I could feel brain cells disappearing. FFS I’m going to my cabin in the woods, I’ll be back around Janurary 2021. 

Calling Mike Pence’s Yuxon XL a trash truck is valid only while he’s in it.

Mike Pence sucks.

A horse drawn carriage? But what if there were mares pulling it?