
For $2500 I’ll live with whatever quirks it has. Check the car carefully for flood damage though, with all of the hurricanes and shit in Texas. It’s a steal as long as it hasn’t gone for a swim. 

Do we even need to point out how absurdly craven a move this is from MITCH FUCKING MCCONNELL?!? The man who single-handedly undermined American democracy by preventing even a hearing on former President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland?! THIS fucking guy is worried about obstructing Senate procedure??!?!

I really wish this turkey necked SOB could be forced to answer honestly about his hypocritical actions.

David another great write up! Keep it up can’t wait for more!

I used to think I hated chicken but that was only because we ate nothing but breasts growing up.

Don’t worry. We are going to the Moon in five years!*

Anyone who is blaming NASA for this shortage of small suits, needs to spend like a month as a manager for some like warehouse or logistics company. Try to get everything on your docket done by deadline, then look at the red-state dipshits who approved NASA’s paltry budget, and THEN write your angry tweet. Hopefully

Your friend was right. 

whats wrong w/that is that this idiot was already “earning” 10s of millions of dollars. He can pay his kids own damn tuition. When youre rich you get an astonishing amount of things for free. Its really uncanny.. But remember its the poors who should be scolded for “taking” entitlements.

Yeah, we can’t have us no Messicans in NASCAR. Build the wall (and bump him into it.)

No Manual AWD?! I’m gonna throw a tantrum...

You’re really gonna argue that Tesla = the Fyre Festival and also one of the most influential auto makers of the 21st century? The second Tesla sold a single car, they’d already delivered infinitely more than the Fyre Festival.

I think the whole point of this racing series is racing off road trucks in environments they aren’t suited to.

True, but you don’t intentionally drink another guy to death, now do you? That’s a really cute, but ultimately disingenuous response; would you be pleased if someone shot your immediate family to death and the rest of the world laughed it off? Methinks you’d be raging. 

Meanwhile in New Zealand...

The effect that the shooting itself had on these young people and how it could have had a play in their deaths now has been already pointed. So I want to highlight another issue...

Right after the Parkland massacre, someone posted in a FB thread that the lives of any children, even his own, were worth sacrificing for the right to own and carry assault rifles. At that point, I just stopped debating. There’s no reasoning with these sick fucks anymore.

Just let that sink in...

Why aren’t these survivors utilizing the vast pool of thoughts and prayers resources that the GOP and NRA sent?

Waiting for the first RWNJ wacko to say these kids are doing it for the attention.