
Just another manufactured ‘emergency’ to prove how tough he is to the white trash rubes that support him.

And don’t forget the time Obama wore a tan suit That was so fucking unpresidential...

So rather than risk having his own party shut down his tariffs, Trumpty Dumbty declared victory and moved on to the next manufactured “emergency”.

Just fyi but Google engineers make a lot more than $125k/yr...

Thank you for such a wonderful story, I needed that today. :-)

Yeah, I’m thinking that if you’re a guy that’s a good way to never get laid again.

Is this the Senator’s attempt to explain Trumpy’s behavior towards women? 

I like the idea but I’d bet within 30 minutes you’d have some idiot high centered on it.

Red Bull gives you wings. Renault, apparently not so much.

So how did the meeting go? 

Good Lord, deplorable doesn’t begin to describe trash like this.

Dear Elon,

My favorite interior ever in a remotely affordable car. Just perfect...for me anyway.

Doesn’t this mean that God hates those people?

Hopefully and in normal times you’d be right. But likely the Trumpkins will tie things up in court and drag it out for years, all the while making a mockery of the rule of law. I hope I’m wrong but I suspect this is going to be much more difficult since they have no respect for institutions or the concepts of

My guess is they will ignore every subpoena and dare congress to do anything about it.

Everyone of these assholes needs to die in prison so that the next con-man looking to sell out the country or appoint themselves king knows what will happen when they’re caught.

and sadly they are right, the rich guy almost always skates.

This might be low on the list of cares, but I feel like the Dems really need to start investigating EVERYTHING that even smells like it MIGHT be a crime...

It’s like the Godfather except they’re all Fredo...