Nah, it will fight premium compact SUV’s. X3's and the like.
Nah, it will fight premium compact SUV’s. X3's and the like.
Good morning all. I’m down for self driving cars 100%. My only question is, will it be forced to follow speed limits? I don’t drive 60 on the freeways here in Houston. Traffic is usually causing at 70-75.
Haha that’s a good one. My favorite will always be the “Jenson” button. It cracks me up like a good dad joke
Precisely. Everyone is so wrapped up in the now that they forget wondering how W got into Yale as an underacheiving drug addict.
Since the ultra rich are being criticized, we should expect to be told we are jealous by poor people who Stan for the rich in every matter. Any minute now. Jealous.
Whoa! whoa! whoa! Get those facts out of here! Our President got opinions!!!
Clearly aviation crashes and fatalities have increased as planes have gotten more and more advanced.........Oh, wait:
just think. if the big orange doofus had just remained a private citizen, or even played kingmaker rather than wanting to prove he could be king... he could have hidden his shady dealings in the shadows, but becoming a public figure brings it all out in the open. probably not something he thought about when his ego…
The president seems skilled at only doing shitty things. Ever.
They have wings, let them fly away
Well, here’s my personal anecdote on the phenomenon:
If at first you don’t succeed, fail, fail again.
Conservatives are walking around acting like it’s fucking Auschwitz for even being *asked* if they want a straw, but no no it’s the liberals who are snowflakes looking to be offended by every little thing.
To hell with Socialism and all its ‘benefits’ if it means I can’t continue to overmanufacture millions of single-use plastics that never biodegrade and force them on people.
Straw Police? What the hell is space force for then?
let’s be honest here...he doesn’t give a fuck if anyone builds anything, just like always...& he doesn’t intend all that funding to go to the wall any more than he intends the money that goes into any deal he’s involved in to go anywhere but in the pockets of those interests most closely aligned with his own...& even…
Because when you fail miserably at first, be sure to double up the same effort and fail even bigger again!
I do not know how effective this law will be, but at least someone is trying to stop gun violence.
Your liquor collection must be impressive. Pic of bar cart, please.
A worse state than Michigan? Like Mississippi or something?