
Special +1 to the “Jurassic Park Theme” in the minor mode at the end of the clip.

I love that shit.

JUST got mine done last week after a LONG time (6+months) of having to either play Chauffeur to any passengers in my car, or take the wife’s car everywhere.

agreed, this past week’s episode was definitely the best one yet, and I thought it may have turned a good corner.

Any time the words “subprime” and “risk” are used to describe something, subsequently using the term “unexpected” should be outlawed.

Ang Lee (who passed)


MLB slide rule, you say?

My goodness...this reminds me of the HOURS I would spend trying to make anything that even comes close to this out of the ol’ Marbleworks kit as a kid...


as in, “somebody go 86 Scion, we’re Toyota-ing again”

Fair. The fun part is the languages are so similar, everyone knows what everyone else is saying; makes for fun rebuttals, fights, and “no-hard-feelings” post-fight drinks. Na zdravie!

Actually, 1993 separation from Czech Republic resulted in little animosity between the two. Slovakia’s got the natural, mountainous region, Czech Republic has the tourism and tech, but both still mainly trade with Germany.

I’m more surprised that they’re being so chummy with Hungary - there’s a bunch of history there.

Same. Now that it’s common knowledge, though, how will I kick-off witty banter with my row-mates...

Oh yeah, I won’t. ::headphones in::

Hmmmm...think its a coincidence that this announcement comes just after the “Super Tuesday” results all went final? Guessing Japan’s going all-in on the overlapping incidence of “People who are willing to be overworked animators as long as it’s for a passion they have” and “People who are scared shitless of the

Same. Foiled again.

I stayed at that hotel once in college on a trip with the Tennessee Pep Band. We were prepped that they said the hotel was haunted, too. We had a few people say they got thrown out of beds, and others say the TVs kept turning on and off.

Granted those were the days of “Meal Money” per diem, and the resulting free

I had that phone. What a time to be alive, at the time.

Now playing

I see she’s taking a page from the Mike Wazowski book of covering up epic failures...

Thanks for the guide, finally pulled the trigger on a PC build. Went through the whole build without an issue (other than the wife thinking it took too long) when I went to install windows 10 home (clean install from DVD purchased from Micro Center) I get this message.

ANY description of wanting a “[insert industry] NINJA/JEDI/SAMURAI/ETC.”

was going to make that joke