
I'm sad you did not catch the Billy Madison reference here.


Which is the one where you run up against a computer and the only way to "hack" it and advance to the next level is to get up and actually hit reset on your genesis? I still think that is kind of genius while also being infuriating.

That's what you get for not hailing to the chimp!

Is Usual Suspects worth watching if you already know the twist?

literally thought this after reading this before I saw your comment

Hideo Kojima gets fired

Every time I think Scrubs is just a bad show that I outgrew, I remember how well done that was and realize it had good parts.

Dig! is so ripe for Documentary Now

I didn't know the church of Latter Day Saints had such an influence then.

One comment on the av club review of the second to last episode of breaking bad season 4 predicted a twist I don't think anyone could have seen coming (or at least the particulars of the twist).

The show was great with edits like these.

Speaking of tonal whiplash, that ending of Mega Man 7 reminds me of Bionic Commando exploding the face off of Hitl- I mean "Master-D."


Let us never forget UMB Bank Pavillion

Yeah, the line about committing suicide and saying "all this guilt will be on your head" is some seriously malicious shit.

To be fair, Dion's enthusiastic delivery, the swinging beat and major key make this sound like a celebration of the narrator, so it's easy to see why people don't/didn't absorb the darkness of the lyrics.

That being said: "AVC: What do you think happened to him? How did he become this?

I went to high school with Jo. She probably doesn't remember me because we weren't in the same class. I didn't have much interaction with her. But now she gets written about in the A.V. Club while I write comments on it, so I think she wins.

I watched this clip on youtube and posted about it on my facebook years ago. Why didn't I try making a job out of that?