
I really hope this gets people to listen to Spirit, a great underrated jazzy psych band. I'm afraid it will just make people mad at them (or what's left of them at this point).

I was in a cross-cultural journalism class at the time this aired and we were required to watch one episode and write or discuss it. I waited until I no longer could.

The show really changes as it goes in tone, just in case you haven't completely written it off as not for you yet.

Not only this but "When The Morning Comes" is a genuinely great psych pop song in the same vein as Walking on the Sun. Maybe if someone with a different voice covered it people could give that one a fair shake.

Someone in the comment section here said that Grant Morrison helped him a lot with it, which explains a lot.

Funny enough, when FOTL was still a quartet and their other guitarist couldn't tour because of his day job, they got Ian from Art Brut to take his place for that run of dates.

Other girls went and other girls came…

I loved that one Man or Astroman song that finishes their album that's followed by like five minutes of silence and then some guy just says "What're you waiting for? There ain't no durn hidden track on this cd" and it's over. Also, one Stereolab album ends with the same ambient sounds that it begins with so if your cd

Love the song, but can it be counted when the back cover lists it (even if it lists it as a hidden track)?

The first thing I seen is O.J. Simpson, and I remember thinking to myself 'wow, that's O.J. Simpson, he has a big fucking head, man'

That's fair. I had a few when posting that so I wasn't exactly in the right frame of mind to look for nuance.

I like the 5-7 episodes of sledgehammer I've seen, but this dude has a lot of balls to rag on police squad.

Damn they make you transcribe it! As fun as this was, I imagine transcribing the verbose Melamed would have been a pain.

Ever since I heard this song, I always think of it with an obvious lyric change whenever coming across this show.…

Someone takes their entertainment news very seriously.

"Pinback, as a creative partnership, pretty much dried up as ABSIV had grown disinterested in touring or putting out records."…

The most pathetic was how Dr. Robotnik/Eggman used to freak me out when I was 5 or 6. I would cry and run out of the room when he appeared and I'm not sure when I ever got past Green Hill Zone. It turned out to mostly be the music because I wasn't scared of him in Sonic 2 or any other entries. I obviously got over

Isn't there another side project involving other members of Menomena and other members of The National (maybe the Dessner brothers?)

Thank you for being one of the few music writers to note Knopf as being a former rather than current member of Menomena.