I don't always, but when I do, it's because the pooping muscles were ejecting the tampon anyway.
I don't always, but when I do, it's because the pooping muscles were ejecting the tampon anyway.
I just came here to post something similar. I've been practicing for 15 years and I've never once seen a judge deny a continuance when the parties agree. It happens All.The.Time. The judge clearly had it out for her and was simply using her to prove some misogynistic, hate-filled point. I'm going to do some due…
Thank you for posting this! Anyone who works in the legal field, and routinely has to be in the courthouse, knows that continuances are granted all the time, for no reason whatsoever. I would go to calls for other lawyers, on the day hearings were scheduled, to ask for a continuance; the judges would grant them, no…
That's helpful to know, thanks! As I was reading the article, I was wondering how much of a hassle/how common filing a continuance was. Having that information completely changes the reading of the article. I sort of wish Jezebel had a pool of people in various careers to whom they could pose questions like this. …
Yeah, you can think of something to say to him and drag out this mess for a while or you can just say "bye bye." He's already shown you he's got a dating profile and has a relationship with at least one other woman. This is who he is. And you can do so much better.
sorry dude. I hope you have some awesome lady friends and that your are drinking all the wine with them currently.
may I suggest my old favorite "Fuck you in the dickhole."
What a jackass. I'm sorry you're dealing with king of the assfaces.
Print out the Match.com page to confront him with.
A screenshot of the Match.com profile and this comment:
Ugh, fuck him indeed. I am SORRY.
Don't you dare waste even a moment's time thinking of what to say to him. Send him a screenshot of his Match.com profile and block his number. What an asshole!
What a fucking asshole! My goodness. If you want to say something to him, make it hurt. Remove him from your life. You don't deserve that. You deserve much better than a sorry mother fucker.
What a jerk. Toss him like last week's leftovers. You deserve better.
tell him to go to hell and move on. that's a horrible thing to do to another person, and you deserve better.
What? You and bloodsweatcheers are both in the grays? (Her comment was black by the time I read it so I couldn't tell.) This old new system is the worst thing since Stl25TA's boyfriend.
Fuck him. He doesn't deserve shit, cept maybe a little kick in the shins.
Don't even say anything. He doesn't deserve words at this point.
Whatever it is, make it sting, cause it should be the last word from you he ever hears.