
Marilyn wasn't in the Adams Family, she was in the Munsters. You're right though, she was treated the same as everyone else in the family, with love and respect.

I know! They loved each other and supported each other's nuttiness. That's a real family. Who doesn't love Cousin It?

Then Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince is the ultimate in bad parenting. I mean, he got divorced from his wife, remarried a woman with the same name, and then forced his poor children to pretend that nothing ever happened, never allowing them to speak of their real mother ever again. The monster.

Gomez Addams is my favorite TV dad.

There is some nice information in this article, but the paragraph or two of scolding about our "whinging" really rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not a naughty schoolgirl, I'm a grown-ass woman, and my bra complaints are valid. Is it whinging when we complain about the lack of decent plus-size clothing?

Jezebel, moreso than any of the other Gawker subsites, has a very bad habit of addressing articles to a party that will never read them. And then the content is essentially a preaching to the choir bunch of victory fist-pumps. Which is fine as far as content goes, but could we stop with the weird "addressee who will

That's what he looks like now? That's... rough.

I'm still stunned by the fact that Rex Reed didn't die like 20 years ago.

95% confidence intervals =/= prove. Previous study on children =/= prove!

What's so hard about this for you liberals to get?! The very definition of "marriage" is one man and one woman. FULL STOP. If we changed this definition, all our old dictionaries would suddenly be wrong, and then we'd have to all go out and get new dictionaries, except we CAN'T, because Borders went out of business

I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Gary Busey knows exactly what it is like to churn butter at 6 a.m.

This is how I feel knowing all my hard earned money has just gone to pay off past me's Financial YOLO.

I hate past me.

This e-mote, it's perfect.

look at itttttt, it's so proud.

Can I get this as my profile pic - perfect.

My face after reading that Kanye West = Nucleus.

Someone please come over to my house and talk me down from dyeing all the hairs bright colors.

Not that this kind of commentary is okay if he had been an Adonis.

Wow. You have serious fucking issues, dude. I suggest some anger therapy and maybe some medication. And a bigass case of "condemns".

My prediction: It's Don who's doomed. I'm seeing lung cancer in his future (all the unexplained fits of coughing this season).