
Oh my god, don't ruin this for me. I'm going to hold on hope for the 360-calorie breakfastgasm.

I didn't know they had an online women's plus size store! Bravo! I'm sick of paying too much for Lane Bryant. Thank you.

If a statue doesn't consent, is it "statutory" rape?

...seems legit.

As someone funnier than I succinctly stated a few articles back, "Evolutionary psychology is modern-day phrenology."

There are psychologists out there who ignore everything they learned in school or from their own research in favor of personal biases. .__.

He does evolutionary psychology, which is the crazy aunt locked in the attic to most psychologists.

Cooking a wonderful dinner is much different than being able to consistently put together 3 nutritious meals a day with all the planning, shopping and cleaning that goes with it.

Heh I remember asking my mom what cellulite was. She responded with something along the lines of "oh how innocent, sweet summer child. Winter is coming."

You, sir or madame (but probably sir), have never tasted my cooking.

My best friend (white) and her boyfriend (Korean) punch each other in the shoulder whenever they see another couple with a white woman and an Asian man because while you often see white men and Asian women, other is not as frequent. Going out with them is amusing when this rare unicorn is sighted. I don't think you're

It is much harder to keep track of dishes and such than it is my hands, which are easily kept track of and cleaned before each meal.

I bet he's been a fierce fighter against gender, race, and age bias his entire life! It definitely can't be a thing he's complaining about only just now. Nope.

If staying in the kitchen is so awesome, why aren't there more men doing it?

Dolly Parton is an American Treasure.

The bigger the blow-up of the DoI, American flag or the Constitution on the wall, the more idiotic the show's host.

Jesus was a subversive hippie.

Nice post. Enjoyed reading.

As another engaged person, I feel you. A coworker came up with the perfect term for me, and I've stuck with it. I call my fiance my "wife elect". It's cute and funny and gets the point across.

Good for you my friend. Now if you'll excuse me, i need to get back to reading this fascinating history book about Hitler. It says he was stuffed in a closet in his office after an British police box appeared in his office. Good stuff.