Meanwhile, this line:
Meanwhile, this line:
Apparently, I need to watch this Olive Kitteridge.
They won’t do this because they’re too stupid to admit they’re wrong, but even this explanation wouldn’t fly at this point - as many people have pointed out, if you think someone has a bomb, you don’t fuck around with it in the room while you waste time interrogating the kid, you evacuate the school immediately and…
I think it’s important to note that there are many stories of stupidity when it comes to zero tolerance policies. Suspension is normal. This is a thing that happens over harmless things, it’s crazy, and not just Texas. BUT, those kids don’t get arrested and charged and hit with straight up racism. That is the…
Someone needs to get their privilege checked.
Are condom bouquets a thing? Cuz he could mail her a big one. I mean, bouquets come with cards.
This is what’s wrong with America right here. This. Not Bristol Palin herself, but what she represents — the fact that so many stunningly, proudly pig-ignorant, determinedly undereducated, information-resistant people think they know enough about anything to tell others how they should think and behave.
Obama should just call her up and tell her he doesn’t want to be lectured about his life choices, or whatever it is she said when she got knocked up this time.
“You should feel good about yourself! But not too good. Feel a little bad about yourself, too, or the boys won’t like you and the girls will think you’re a bitch.”
More Confidence
I feel like if I had MORE confidence and maybe less boyfriend when I was younger I would have had a much more productive life.
lol @ “can we have TOO MUCH confidence” already undercutting, undermining them, sowing doubt. get used to it while you’re young girls!!
Jesus Christ on a... himself.
My Jewish parents attended mass given at the Vatican by Pope John Paul II. I asked why, and my dad told me he was hungry and wanted the cracker.
This is a different kind of sacrilege but I’ll share it anyway. When I was in the 4th grade, I started singing with the adult church choir. One of the adults, a lovely woman who later became my third grade teacher, would often give me a ride home after practice.
I rarely say this about people. But she deserves all the bad karma that is heading her way right now. That video was so mean and vicious, it actually made me cry. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. And like so many women with the disease, I struggle with my weight. It’s like I woke up in a different body. I went from…
Interesting. I too have been varying degrees of fat. Right now I’m a size 20 fat but have definitely been a “thin fat”. Mostly it was inappropriately older men who hit on me (like I was 17 and a 35 year old tried to ask me out). Also homeless dudes. Lots of homeless dudes.
So my brain siezed at the ‘I’m also fat’ qualifier. At 5’1 135lbs you’re not fat, you’re normal... so when you say you fuck fat people do you mean you just fuck people? Me too. *highfive!* (I too am a 5’1 adult when I weighed 135 at age 23 I wore children’s size 12 and shopped at GAP kids)
I’d assume it’s possible, but it didn’t happen in Barrow’s case. The reason I know? Because the pathology report said it was a bunch of tampon fibers. Pathologists have to look at specimens under a microscope. That can tell the difference between fur and fibers. They weren’t “saving her from embarrassment” when they…