
I remember reading a poll a few years back about born again Christians. They are far and away the most devout and the most likely to believe in literal heaven and hell, angels, and even ghosts. Compared to born agains, regular religious folk are pretty chill.

“Why should you be allowed in?”

Well, just remember it, you know - in case they are right.

I had a bizarre conversation with an ex who was into the Jesus and was part of a “cool church”. You know, held in a warehouse space and was theoretically open to new ideas and people. I went to a service with him once (that was the deal- I said I’d go once and that would be it. I think he was hoping it would open my

SECONDED. I always thought that whole “I’m really super sorry but all is forgiven because GOD” deal was a pretty huge cop-out (full disclosure, haven’t been to church since I was young enough to get away with falling asleep). Like, ok, you’re sorry and that’s nice and all, but it seems to me there has to be some

When my husband and I were engaged, we had to do pastoral counseling before we could marry at my parents’ church. The pastor kept asking us “When you stand at the gates of heaven, and God asks you why you should be allowed in, what will you say?”

The spouse and I got married by a judge, got our rings at Silver Source in 1992 (in a kiosk in the mall for $20 each ring).

I think the total cost was less than $500, we are still married 23 years later (even with his transition from wife to husband).

I say save the money, blow it on something fun (weddings are not fun).

I went full That Mom and bought a pair of patent leather Birkenstock Gizehs. Love them.

Welcome to heaven, we have cookies.

You have a penis, so you think this doesn’t have a direct effect on you, unless you have a co-cohabitant SO who works, or a daughter, or pay taxes.

OMG. She must have been reading my comments on here! (of course) Because I’ve been saying this forever:

press secretary for the Republican National Committee

Good god. Saw the image and thought that someone had made a Full House-based porn.

LOL so they made everything smaller except her breasts. OKAY.

Oh Yay, a whale joke. It’s like high school all over again.

“They’re girls, boys are SUPPOSED to mess around with them.”

He molested four of his sisters, including a five year old. The other was a babysitter, daughter of family friends.

“They are still stunned that this is how it has all gone down,”

“Textual Intercourse”.