
Damn, now I’m wishing I’d sent in my favorite nutcase from my days as a barista. Anyway: about 15 years ago I worked at Peet’s Coffee and Tea, usually closing shifts. We often got a customer after about 8pm who looked like a fairly respectable businessman. Always wore a suit, a black overcoat, well-groomed. He would

Glassdoor has a pretty significant number of reviews of REI posted, including from HQ. Might be worth perusing. I know that for my employer the reviews on Glassdoor are pretty accurate.

What always surprises me is how tired-but-capable my female friends are a day or so post-birth and how their partners always look like hot buttered shit. Like, dude, all you did was lose a little sleep. Sack up.

I didn’t make any statements about barriers to access, I was just pointing out that sex with an escort is still sex in a relationship. It might not be the conventional boyfriend-girlfriend combo, but it’s a relationship, and a hugely valuable one to those who need it.

I have never heard the buffet rule before. That is brilliant!

I can’t speak for Michigan, but I’ve seen “plate charges” for splitting entrees at many restaurants all over the country. At really fancy places it can get upwards of $20 for a plate charge.

It’s weird how entitlement works, though. I go to a fancy bar regularly on Sunday evenings. Recently they got a new hostess, so not only does she not know me and where I like to sit, she’s very controlling about seating. So there’s been this weird push-pull the last few visits where she stops me on my way to “my”

To be fair, a relationship with an escort/sex worker is still a relationship, and can be an extremely valuable one for someone who doesn’t have access to sex any other way. Sex workers are doing the Lord’s work, whether mainstream society sees it that way or not.

I know someone who is a 30-something virgin and they have no expectation that this will ever change, largely because they are a devout Christian. Sex outside of marriage is simply not something they can do, and at this point, in their 30’s, they have stopped trying to date. I wonder if the letter writer is in a

Exactly. Even if you could conduct your transaction at the speed of light, it still wouldn’t be your turn, and you’d still be taking up someone else’s time. You’re not that important, wait in line like everyone else.

I like you.

Heh, kind of reminds me of Des Plaines, IL. Midwesterners pronounce it “dessplanes,” but one time on Law & Order they pronounced it “day plahn” which cracked me right the fuck up.

Lopez is the love of my life. I make sure to talk to him every day, because I never want him to leave.

Pinkham’s law, I know, but:

They didn't say when their last EB games shopping experience was...

One time I was at a very popular brunch spot and had been trying to flag the server down to get my check for, no shit, 45 minutes. He eventually came over and had the balls to complain that people were waiting for our table, and could we please GTFO. I explained he’d never dropped the check and he was mortified. So

I did not appreciate it at the time.

At the first high school I attended there was a freshman requirement called “consumer education,” and that’s as close to “how to adult” as high school got for me. Mostly we learned about how credit works and how to balance a checkbook, then spent the rest of the semester watching Degrassi. This was 20+ years ago, so