
Dan Savage was looking for a collective noun to describe anti-gay bigots. I think a blart of bigots would be really, really fitting.

Holy shit there was so much good stuff in that episode but this was the best.

I was the youngest in the family and in the neighborhood, so I mostly wore hand-me-downs. I had a lot of shirts with other kids’ names on them.

I grew up spending holidays with a lot of 2nd and 3rd cousins, as well as great-aunts and great-uncles and just called everyone “aunt and uncle” if they were from an older generation, regardless of how they were actually related to me. (Oh, and I’m “auntie” to several children now, none of whom are related to me by

I was thinking the same thing. So far only one of my cousins has kids, so they’ve gotten dumped on by everyone else when it comes to gifts. My 2nd cousin routinely drives a truck full of toys and doll clothes (hand made, to boot) down for birthdays and Christmas. And, no, I’m not kidding. She owns a truck and she

Strangely, if 15-year-old me awoke in my 32-year-old body she would have been horrified, but in the last four years or so I’ve basically reverted to being more like my 15-year-old self. So, if 15-year-old me awoke as current, 36-year-old me, she’d be pretty jazzed about the hair and wardrobe, though maybe a little

I feel lucky that I work in a fairly female-heavy industry (lab sciences) and have had female bosses in every single job I’ve held, but I still see some shit that gets my back up. In my current department we have two administrative assistants. They’re both very skilled at their jobs, and are specialists at dealing

That's true. When people ask for "kosher bacon" they usually mean beef bacon, which is made from belly meat just like the pork version.

My mom is the opposite way. She's smaller than me but always makes kind of backhanded compliments about how "skinny" I am and how "fat" she is. When I point out that I'm wearing a size 8 she'll say "that's impossible, you're way smaller than me and I'm a size 4." Fuuuuu.

I'm allergic to red dye. :(

Your dad sounds awesome.

I feel like my nerd guns are perpetually set to "blazing." I wasn't aware they had another setting.

Unless she wanted a cafe au lait, which is quite literally a coffee latte. I mean, odds are you could just put steamed milk and some coffee-like substance together in a cup and she wouldn't know the difference, but I do understand the author's paralyzing confusion.

I do enjoy the occasionally quad americano, but it has to be in >16oz or it's just too much damned espresso.

It's all about plausible deniability. They never named the restaurant, so they can't be sued for defamation.

I was really impressed recently when the chef/owner of a Japanese restaurant in my area personally brought out a bottle of wheat-free tamari for a wheat-sensitive customer, and assured her that all her food was wheat-free. Some places take it seriously.

I have a friend with Celiac and another with an as-yet-undetermined food sensitivity which may or may not be gluten intolerance and I would personally like to punch carcass lady in the crotch. Food intolerances are serious business.

This has been a question on blood banking donation forms for as long as I've been a med tech, so 15 years+. It's part of the required list of questions mandated by the FDA, which may be a separate thing from their general guidelines.

The main issue with the ban has to do with its absurdly inconsistent application, as there are currently no FDA blood donation standards pertaining to heterosexual sex whatsoever

Why the everloving fuck does Jim S. keep going back to this bar he hates so much? Is it the only one left in town that will let him in?