
a) What restaurant did it end up being at? Just curious, because I eat a lot of food on the North side.

Yep, mine wasn't on here. It was a combo of a few of these, but no one category really fit. Backyard ceremony, cheap dress, great food, tiny guest list, no gifts, no wedding party, no fucking flowers or veils, etc. The "low-key wedding" how it was supposed to be, without letting mom take over.

Oh that was wonderful. Thank you.

I always liked the vertical gender-neutral logo, versus this horizontally-divided version. The horizontal one just looks like a person in a boxy top with a skirt. The other, though, looks like someone who is wearing half pants and half skirt, which feels more "gender-agnostic" to me.

The hybrid is the result of cross pollination between the two vegetables and it is not genetically modified as both part of the cabbage family cross-pollination is a form of genetic modification.

Marge Simpson embodies this trope to a T.

I'm lucky to have a dog that rarely farts, but when she does she generally gets up and leaves. She doesn't seem to mind when I fart in her face, though, so that's something. (That's what she gets for following me around all the time.)

I think that's the power of the Gosling, men like him as much as teh laydeez do. My husband hates treacle but he'll go see Ryan Gosling in pretty much anything.

I was talking to a scientist friend who is a new mom and she said the amount of caffeine that actually gets into the breast milk is very small, so the amount that makes it to the infant's bloodstream is pretty insignificant. She does try to moderate her caffeine intake a little bit, but doesn't worry about timing out

When I was a barista I gave free refills to parents with infants all the time, especially the ones who were dragging their asses in at 6:30 on Saturday morning. (And, yes, my manager was aware of this and approved it. We were encouraged to give out freebies.)

Oooooh, me wantee.

I had a very difficult time finding a doctor who was willing to give me an IUD, since I've never been pregnant. The manufacturers specifically contraindicate their use in nulliparous women because they don't want to be sued if someone discovers she's infertile after she's had an IUD.

Right, I noted in an earlier reply that "what happens" is exactly the right question to ask. "How allergic" seems dismissive and counterproductive. I have allergies and drug sensitivities, I'm used to doctors asking what happens when I take those drugs, totally makes sense. If a doctor asked "how allergic" I am and

"What happens" is a medically-important question to ask when it comes to adverse reactions. "How allergic" is not. "How allergic" is subjective, which means the doc/nurse won't even get good information from it, and it suggests that the asker either doesn't believe that you're allergic to something or doesn't care.

It's basic but it's not obvious. The hospital where I used to work prioritized stroke recognition several years back, created a PA code just for strokes, and papered the bulletin boards with the signs you posted above. It actually helped, I personally know one woman in our department whose stroke was recognized and

I would like to star this a thousand times. Thanks for posting it!

Dafuq? You actually had a doctor ask "how allergic" for a prescription? That's some bullshit, right there. Allergic is allergic, your previous symptoms (no matter how mild) indicate the possibility of a severe reaction upon subsequent exposure. That doc needs some remediation. (Glad you fought for yourself, a lot of

I kind of hate to defend the doctors that initially "treated" her, but my recollection is that TIAs in women are easy to pick up on peripheral bloodwork, since they're most commonly caused by coagulopathies. I can kind of get why they didn't pursue her cholesterol level as the culprit. BUT, her symptoms sound so

Yeah, I don't know what kitchen disaster could have caused it. I presume they were pieces of a broken drinking glass, but how they got in my enchiladas is a mystery.

I try not to be a dick about the espresso/expresso thing. It's an easy mistake to make, and I still know what they mean. No harm, no foul. And, to be fair, it isn't really any less "correct." To force coffee out of grinds via pressurized water is, quite literally, expressing it. I express stuff in the lab all the