
I'm pretty sure Mr. Kerry would line up pretty closely with the "ideal" I had in mind before we met. Tallish, skinny, brown hair, big nose.

I grew up in a somewhat naked house. My parents almost never used the bathroom with the door closed and I saw both of them (and my sister) naked pretty frequently. I still see my sister naked whenever we share living space because she apparently inherited that gene. I think my parents stopped being naked in front of

@Ron Goodrich: You hold your phone to your face when you talk? How quaint!

@1girl: And the cutest of all Gorillas!

@sparkelss: I watched the first one again not long ago, too. It really has held up (and, really, I'll watch just about anything with Vincent D'Onofrio in it). Not getting my hopes up for the third, though.

@mcdermla: But maybe only the Hindus are happy. All the Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and Buddhists (and probably others I'm forgetting) are furious about it.

@BrazenHussy: They finished filming her show back in February or March, so she's had about 6 months to get knocked up.

@Myrmaid: Oh, yes. That's a very good analogy.

I know some women who've taken their husband's name, women who've taken their wife's name, and couples (straight and gay alike) who have chosen to blend their names either for themselves or their children, or both. I also know couples who didn't change any names. I don't view any of these women (and men) as any more

@pursedangler: Exactly. It wasn't her birth name to begin with, it's not like she's switching from the shackles of her father's name to those of her spouse's name.

@Bella_vina: Last I checked, Wales was part of Great Britain, but not part of England. Likewise, while Bavaria is a state in Germany, it is not a separate nation. Canada, on the other hand, is an entirely separate nation from the United States.

@Sputnik_Sweetheart: Not a huge surprise, Ugly Betty was a real trailblazer for the network and sort of set ABCs gay-friendly wagon in motion.

@infmom: I grew up in a composting household, I know how it works. It just happens to be that I live in a city with compost pickup for people who don't have land to compost on or plants to feed with it. As one of those people with no land and no plants, composting pickup would be nice, if our landlord had signed up

How long until we see these in the Tour de France?

@CallMeJordy265: Yeah, despite the fact that my weight would probably inhibit this, I worry that it would just bounce all over the damned place. I bet I'm totally wrong, though.

@ThatRedHeadGirl: I like thinking that he's such a crappy doctor he doesn't understand how babies get made or how long they take to gestate.

I also like my Grove case (mine is of the laser-engraved variety). I waited 12 weeks for it to arrive, and it's definitely not perfect. It looks so good and feels so great, though, that I put up with the imperfection. One issue, for example, is that I find the buttons too recessed, I sometimes have to jab at them a

@infmom: Not if you rent and have no control over your garbage collection. I have no yard to put a compost bin in, even a small one, and our landlord doesn't pay for compost pickup.

@gnawlej sot: I use a good silicone scraper. Gets the grounds out very well, and there's usually one in the sink in need of cleaning, anyway.

@infmom: If you don't have a compost bin it's a giant pain in the butt. I miss having a compost bin. :(