
@fritzlechat: I, too, went to an uptight, preppy boarding school. I also wore a tux to my Junior prom and brought a girl as my date. This was 15 years ago. Granted, I wasn't gay, but the school in Mississippi is being careful to say it's not because she's gay, it's because you're not allowed to wear a tux or bring a

@tzedukah: Yes, I'd like that too. All the CK bras I find don't come bigger than a C cup.

@isureamheather: If it's any consolation, Marilyn Monroe was something like a 28DD. Her ribcage was teenytiny, and her rack was au naturel.

@anteup: YES! I love the moving comfort sport bras, they're comfortable and actually work.

@dustboy: If you wait long enough she'll eventually need reading glasses.

I think by far it was the month-long gene cloning class I took my first year of college. It was a 50-hour/week Jan-term introduction to the molecular biology lab. I use what I learned in there every single day. I even posted a photo of the professor (who eventually became my advisor) on my lab wall. More than a decade

Ooooof, I get the spinning, dizzy, hotflashing, faint-inducing cramps, too. I switched to a long-cycle birth control pill (91 days instead of 28) and now it's not so bad, plus it only happens 4 times a year.

@anteup: It only affects one class of compounds which make up a pretty tiny portion of any given food. Certain foods have high levels — like onions, broccoli, and beans — and cause disproportionate gassiness when bacteria digest them. The rest of the food is digested normally, it's just the gassy compounds that are

@tootnscoot: Beano is an enzyme that breaks down food components which would normally be converted into gas by your intestinal bacteria. If the beano gets to the food first, then the bacteria don't digest it and no gas is produced.

@ablative: I can't remember when I first farted in front of the man, but I clearly remember the first time he farted in front of me. He crouched down to get something out of the oven and whoosh came a huge fart. I laughed and laughed and laughed.

@motorcyclegirl: Right? How much does Terry Richardson remind you of Dov Charney? These men are not fun-loving iconoclasts. They are sex offenders.

This is excellent reporting and exactly the kind of thing traditional media is too slow or too scared to pursue.

@trashywilma: I went through the same thing but it passed after about 6 months. Yes, it's a long time to wait and my boyfriend was like "stop taking those fucking things right now" but I stuck with it and fell 100% normal. I've been on this brand for about 6 years now with no mood problems.

@Rah_power: I'm the same way. I've been taking these things every day for 11 years, I really could not care less who sees me take them. If people ask or give me a quizzical look I say "baby repellant," and leave it at that.

@Abra_Cat: Yeah, the dimples thing made me laugh out loud. Totally calling him dimples from now on.

@hildy: I had to pause the episode and look her up, it was bugging me so much. And, of course, all I could think about for the rest of her scenes was her earrings. That she loves, but nobody else likes.

@Irin: It's true that they're presented as the ideal, but good luck finding clothes that fit the curvy, hourglass body type. If designers actually start making tops that fit my chest, I'll jump up and down singing a happy song, while handing over my credit card.

@Plum-Pie: Oh, my story is the same! BFF had all the Barbies, all the Get in Shape Girl accessories, Cabbage Patch dolls, makeup, etc. And I had frugal feminist granola parents who wouldn't let any of that crap in the house. So, I spent a lot of time at BFF's house playing with pastel plastic crap. *sigh*