
@Faster.Pussycat: Ha! I did the same thing. It was either straighten my hair to suit the cut or just cut it all off. I got sick of straightening it, so now it's gone.

@Raised-byHeathens: Back when I used to fry my hair with bleach and color the only place I could go for hair treatments that worked was the "black" section of the drugstore. Hair is hair, so what does it matter whose face is on the box?

Maybe it's a UK thing, but the Eritreans and Ethiopians I see in Seattle and Chicago pretty much all wear their hair curly or braided. In fact, if you want to get nice braids in Chicago you go to the Ethiopian neighborhoods.

@OneBigPear: I frequently see LARPers in the park near my house. I stifle the urge to yell "nerrrrd!" when I walk by. I had to stifle the same urge when PAX was going on here a couple weeks ago. So. Much. Cosplay.

@lucyjae: Which video game company? Also, what garners a high rating? Cosplay?

If you can get your hands on a bottle of Everclear, use that and bring the total concentration to 70% by adding in the other ingredients. 70% is the optimum concentration for alcohol to be an effective sanitizer. Most sanitizing gels and sprays only go to about 40%, which is not as effective.

@CoalMineCanary: The rescue I got my dog from (New Leash on Life in Chicago) gets most of their dogs from the city pound, and have a pretty clear limit on how many dogs they can shelter at any given time. They are 100% volunteer-run and have no physical shelter. They rely on foster homes and donated space at boarding

OMG how much of a dork am I that all I can think about is how hot that brown bag is?

@miss.helen.sears: There's no way his daughters would allow him to not know about this.

Can I say that I love her hair? Or is that off-limits, too?

@JennaW: Yeah, that toothless smile is teh qteness.

@sequined: I just think it's a lot like the t-shirt store near my house that says "hip and cool!" in the window, which is just a way of announcing exactly the opposite. I sincerely hope my impression is wrong, though.

That's sad and all, but where can I buy those sour candies in the picture? Because I'm dying right now looking at them.

My fiance and I generally don't have too much trouble sleeping in the same bed, though he frequently wants to cuddle up more than I like to (that shit gets HOT). I will, however, retire to the guest bed (a fold-out sofa) if I know there's some reason I would interrupt his sleep, like if I have to get up really early.

@Honeybunch: To be fair, she was seeing her naked teacher. If I happened to look over and see any authority figure totally nude, I'd have a hard time grasping it.

@KimberleeJean: The rule of thumb with this sort of thing is to ask. If you see someone who looks like they're struggling (a mom, someone with a wheelchair, someone just carrying a whole lot of stuff), ask if they need a hand. It's something I do every day and sometimes people say yes and sometimes they say no. Even

@jfwlucy: There's a trend now in Japan for cafes staffed by "chubby" girls, for the men who like plumper women and aren't happy with the skinny girls who normally work in cafes and restaurants. It's a little skeevy, but honestly I sort of like the empowerment the "chubby" girls get out of it.

@Name of Numbers: I'm surprised they didn't just offer to pay you for some DNA samples and maybe some blood or something. And maybe do an ultrasound or two to look at the gonads. Greedy scientists!

@fauxfruit: In developmental biology class they're quick to teach that it's "impossible," but I can think of several well-known genetic abnormalities which could lead to the mosaic coloring on a cat with male genitalia. Having never studied this specifically, but being trained in genetics, off the top of my head I

@pesematology: Echidnas and platypuses (platypi?) are both monotremes and are both mammals, since they boy lay eggs and nurse their young.