
Also? I think vibrators are overrated. I have one but I almost never use it, I find my hand does a better job on its own. *shrug*

I couldn't care less what kind of porn my boyfriend likes, he doesn't seem to care what kind I like, either. It's all fine and dandy as long as we do what turns each other on when we're together. Heaven knows I fantasize about shit I never want to actually *do,* surely he's got some of that going on, too. I'm more

@sybann: It takes about six weeks for me. I still shave periodically, mostly in the summer, but in from like October to May I let it all grow out.

Props to Linds for the hairy legs. Unshaven ladies unite!

@AngelasAshtray: Usually Nordstrom has several size 14+ models in their catalog. I get one every once in a while in the mail and I'm pleased to see fleshier gals on nearly every other page. It's been a while since I last looked at the Nordie's catalog, though, so maybe they've scaled back their plus-sized pages?

@rocknrollunicorn: This is going to sound strange, but thank goodness they're trying to attract all types of people. I'd be more annoyed if they said "well, we think hot dogs (or clothes, or toys, or what have you) really only appeal to a middle-class demographic, and since all middle-class people must be white we'll

I loved Gitty the second I saw she chose my two favorite biblical names for her kid. Of course, I'm superficial like that.

@paperbackwriter: And perhaps your daughter, too? We always had lots of lego around the house, so we would do something "active" while watching TV and whatnot, no boys in the family, just us girls.

@stud*femme(formerly ce n'est pas une pipe): I took some classes at mount holyoke when I was at hampshire (graduated in 2000), never even crossed my mind it could be catholic. Didn't seem particularly slutty, but maybe that's because I was taking pretty nerdy science classes there. The girls I met were either total

@shewar: Oh fuck, I could use one of those right now. But instead I have to stay at work late. Stupid cancer research. Why can't it just cure itself?

@Jessi Ramsey: Weird, I use cetaphil daily and it doesn't resemble any of the spooge I've come in contact with. Maybe my man is weird?

@hotdogz: "I'm a rageaholic! I'm addicted to rageahol!"

@mknfuss: Thank you. You said what I was going to say, but had more life experience to back it up. Choice does not equal abortion.

@Titania: Yeah, I'm twiddling my thumbs till I turn 35 and can convince a doc to tie my tubes. If I could have had it done when I was 23 I would have, but I was told that no doc would agree to it. Also, my doc wouldn't agree to an IUD because I hadn't had any children and she'd had trouble inserting them into

@melissafs: oh god, that's so brutal. Now I want to cry. Of course, in your shoes I'd probably want to cry more if the photos had been taken. A friend of mine went to glamour shots for her high school graduation photos and they were TERRIBLE. And permanent! They live on in my photo album at home.

@Zlevee: Damn fucking straight. I think she's got one of the sexiest bodies I've ever seen, plus she makes me feel better about having ample but lopsided boobies (if you look closely you can tell that one of her girls is lagging behind, too). When I saw this cover I couldn't fathom that was her real waist, thanks for

@Bertha: Damn, now I'm *really* crying.

@VPea: Oh fuck, so does mine! I thought he had made it up. Also, we call each other "cumsock," "assmaster," and "buttbutt." These are our pet names, I treasure them.

@RyanB: Back before I cut all my hair off I was a big fan of the bad hair day head scarf, but also the "I'm going outside and it's humid, and I'll be damned if I let this shit get curly" head scarf. A coworker of mine, a very sweet, older Indian Muslim man noted that I should be careful where I go with said headscarf,

@andromache: Wait, is 10 inches a big difference? I recently passed that mark, and was so excited that my waist was finally getting smaller and I was reaching "normal" proportions (I spent most of my life with a difference of maybe 4 inches between my hips and waist). Seems like clothes fit a bit better, too, as the