
@dbastkv: I asked my doctor about how to avoid a DVT and her response was to just keep your legs moving. Flex your calf muscles, bend your knees, rotate your ankles, tap your feet. Don't have to do it all the time, but just sort of remind yourself ever few minutes to move your legs around. She says she does it

A friend and I take a brisk 1 mile walk on our lunch hour. We walk fast enough that holding a conversation makes you a little out of breath, but not really panting. There are also a group of women who congregate in the hall outside my office to do light yoga and stretches on the handrails for about 15 minutes in the

I'm by no means portly, but I'm not exactly svelte anymore. Glad to have the tips to make the best of what I've got. It's got nothing to do with looking like some stupid skinny ideal, it's more a matter of looking like the person you see yourself as. I know that my genes gave me curves (bless them!) and it's nice to

My mom always tried that sugar method with me, never worked. Years ago my sister told me her method (and then a few years later told me she'd never heard of such a thing, looking at me like i was nuts): get a glass of water. Take a deep breath, hold it. Take 10 sips of water, swallowing after each one, still holding

I agree with CWW, and to add I should say that when the funk is coming out of your garbage disposal (and man, when I first had one I remember going for days like "where IS that smell coming from?" before figuring it out), cut up a lemon into about 8 pieces and run it through the disposal. It'll take a while to get

This is going to sound totally insane, but for me it's shopping. I can get home from work and not feel like moving an inch but if I can come up with something I need to buy at a location a mile or more away, I can get a good 2-4 mile walk out of it and be home in an hour or so. This week it's been trader joe's. A

I hate to be a snob, but giving away used gifts that aren't awesome and one-of-a-kind is one of my major pet peeves. A girl I used to work with would dumpster dive for our Christmas gifts because she was cheap (she made more than I do, btw) and it totally disgusted me. If you want to save money on gifts try making

I've been wearing huge sunglasses on my smallish face for probably 10 years, maybe longer. Got nothing to do with fads.

I use a password generator on my palm that spits out letter and/or number combinations based on the format I choose. I like four lowercase letters followed by two numbers. That format is easy for me to remember and since it's always random there's never any dictionary words that show up in it.

It's sort of funny, and I could see getting creative with it, but just painting an old fridge silver is about as stylish as a counterfeit handbag.

Just a note -

Why no mention of Spotlight on the Mac?

I'm feeling pretty stupid for not using Backpack to organize my kitchen remodel project, which has been instead half-assedly controlled with a PDA, a Sidekick and piles of paper. Not too late to try it out, though, as they just started tearing out the old kitchen this morning. Thanks for the link!

Renders beautifully on my Sidekick 3. Thanks guys!

It's easy to say "just take the card," but when you're talking about many, many people sending out greeting cards it becomes insane. At my office we generally just send cards around to the other offices, not individuals, so that cuts down on a lot. I only get cards from my closest cousins, so that's nice. I have about

For clarification, citric acid makes the tea color stay clear and appealing and is a mild, natural preservative. Go brew yourself some cheap bagged black tea, note the cloudy dark brown color, then squirt a lemon in it. It instantly turns into a clear, reddish liquor thanks to the citric acid. Nothing nefarious, just

Mmmm. Green earl grey. I've never had it in a bottle, but I brew it at home sometimes. Good stuff.

It's not on the list, but after 12 years of smoking I quit and discovered that after about 2-3 weeks beer suddenly tasted waaaaay better than it ever had before. Thinking it was just my stupid tongue having that reaction I mention it to my father, who quit smoking when he was in his 30's after about 20 years of a

Totally guilty of this one. Wine+Internet=$1000s worth of designer handbags sitting in my closet. I've since quit drinking and shopping online, because that got a little out of hand.