
Stabbed themselves in the foot? Like when they made a billion in 3 days with gta v?

Poor baby. We’ll get you a tissue.

Good thing this is the final product, and not likely an alpha build o_O

Whaaat? I thought that looked amazing!

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

check out sam bee. i cannot recommend her show enough. it’s been my release valve.

simpler times!

I liiiiiiiiive for these Republican sex hypocrite scandals! Live for them!

Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!

How dare you! I feel like I have lost brain matter after reading that!:) Is this shit fucking serious?

I’m tired of my Facebook feed getting cluttered with false equivalency. “Both candidates are bad, can we get a do over? Lol!”

I dislike Boehner but he can only be watching the television and thanking whatever dark gods he worships that he isn’t in the hot seat right now.

Also, no you can only be a good woman if you breed commercials.

Now that this story is public, he’ll never ketchup in the polls.

The man failed miserably selling gambling, football, and steak.

