
That America is being taken down by a combination of celebrity worship and petulant whiteness is a pretty good argument in favor of a god who loves ironic punishments.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

I’ll try that...Heroics are taking way too long for me right now. Maybe I’ve gotten bad matchmaking, maybe I’m just not very good...who knows.

Green does not exist. There is no green

Translation: I don’t give a shit about this country so I will sit on my ass and stay home instead, but I will tell everybody I can’t vote for evil so I sound like a concerned citizen.

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

I am seriously beginning to question my own sanity over this. His own tweets go against what he said last night. I just don’t understand all of it. It’s totally gaslighting!!

I think it’s Trump’s gaslighting that’s made me most insane. And the way his lemmings just nod along- how can anyone trust them ever again, on absolutely anything?

Right? My mom (MY OWN MOM) posts shit all the time and I am like MOOOOOM come on if you spent five seconds looking anything on that site you could not support the conclusion that you are supporting!!!

I recently provided my Trump supporting aunt in law with all the evidence crime was not some huge problem and used ONLY conservative sources (national review, etc.) and her response was: “I don’t believe it.” Sigh.

It is crazy, but people do put “random blog” and “the freaking CDC” on the same level when they read stuff online. Even teachers, like this woman.

i’ve blocked my grandpa’s emails for that same reason.

Also, dismissing experts in the field and instead going with non-experts who validate your personal beliefs.

It’s not only that, it’s that people don’t know how to critically evaluate the sources that they find. They think everything on the internet is true and if someone wrote something, it must be correct. Look at the damn source and THINK about it.

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”

Somewhere Bill Belichick just became urgently aroused, and he doesn’t know why.

but not all of them were in Texas

Betts is an absolute monster.