
IMHO, you should never compromise on integral relationship needs. There are several billion people on this planet. There is undoubtedly someone out there who will enthusiastically accommodate you. Even if feet are your thing, which is saying a lot coming from me, because I gag if someone is wearing open toed shoes.

The picture is of the original design, so I assume that’s what you’d be getting.

The picture is of the original design, so I assume that’s what you’d be getting.

And I think your view is what was horribly miscalculated by everyone. Even if Trump isn’t an arbiter of change, I think that people saw him as the only vehicle for the message that people generally don’t want more of the same. I am starting to understand that electing Trump was the harshest way that people could try

If all of the democratic primaries were open, we would have President-Elect Bernie Sanders.

Things started off rocky, but I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to have a civilized conversation with me. I’ve had a rough last couple days, as many others who share similar ideologies have, and I really just want to better understand people like you. Democracy, and the way people perceive the world, is way

Also, your voting habits are very fascinating.

If you are truly offended by crude language, I apologize. If you are truly offended by crude language and voted for Trump, I apologize for nothing.

If the election went the other way, if you are indeed a supporter of President-Elect Trump, wouldn’t you feel the same way? I voted for Hillary, but I would have still felt that way if Trump had lost in a similar manner. The electoral college is no longer a necessity and actively defies the will of the American

I’ll stop you at your first sentence. Hillary won the popular vote. The electoral college elected Trump. The majority of voting-age citizens prefer Hillary, and it is an irrefutable fact that actual voters did too. The system is broken.

She won the popular vote. The electoral college was implemented in a time when we couldn’t count and deliver voting results in an expedient manner. She lost because we still use this pointless system. Eat shit.

The people voted for Hillary. The electoral college voted for Trump. The fact that a candidate can secure the popular vote and have no check or balance against an electoral college that votes against them is fucking bullshit. End the arcane electoral college. This is 2016. We can now count votes in under a day in most

I once got a work email where someone said from the gecko rather than from the get go. People are fucking dumb sometimes.


In my clan there are several people who have been to the lighthouse, and people run it all the time. We’re called Zen Misfits, we’re extremely laid-back and helpful. Lots of amazing PvE and PvP players. Feel free to look for us on as well as our expansion clan Zen Outlaws. We communicate on the app Band, so

That is the Eyasluna, which means fledgling hawk in Latin, referencing its likeness in appearance and stats to Hawkmoon. With a good roll, it is a top-tier weapon in PvP. I have one with sureshot/outlaw/rifled barrel/hidden hand, it’s an absolute beast!

I have been blackout drunk, and never once has violence entered my booze-addled brain. I assume this wasn’t her first time being violent while drunk. Knowing that, I have no sympathy for her battering police officers while drunk. You can’t tell me she didn’t actively defy the risks she knew she was taking.

It looks to be about the same in terms of technology/industry. My guess is we will be playing as Marston in his wild younger days.

I use thumb stick extenders, but yes, they did improve the thumbsticks at some point after launch but before this new iteration.

I use thumb stick extenders, but yes, they did improve the thumbsticks at some point after launch but before this

I do believe they changed this. I bought a ps4 roughly 1 year after launch and I haven’t had any issue with the sticks. I do use Kontrol Freeks though.

I do believe they changed this. I bought a ps4 roughly 1 year after launch and I haven’t had any issue with the