That is correct. If you want those sweet 365 blues, you want to grind 320 Sepiks or heroics.
That is correct. If you want those sweet 365 blues, you want to grind 320 Sepiks or heroics.
If you do get better rewards for a win, it’s pretty negligible. I’ve been best on my team many times and seen the bottom players get nice weapons and gear, even after we got stomped, and vice versa.
Don’t be so hard on yourself! The light delta is big in PvE this expansion. I was 346 and struggling in the heroic playlist, and I’m a daily, seasoned player. At 350, it got easier, but it wasn’t fairly comfortable til about 354-355. Just keep at it, your light will be up in no time and you’ll see for yourself.
You can get up your light with pvp too, it gives weapons and class items up to 385. If you use three of coins, you can also get exotics for infusion to boost light.
Unless the hotfix changes it, running 320 Devil’s Lair/Sepiks Prime is probably the way to go. At that light, he’ll be able to get through it much faster, and it gives blues up to 365. I wouldn’t recommend Heroics until 350-355. Until then, quantity over quality wins.
This is part of the problem. It is a scientific fact that less intelligent people are often much more sure of themselves and less open to criticism than those of above average intelligence. It’s like they have a built-in safeguard against learning. That’s why we are where we are as a civilization.
Soap nuts is a severe medical condition where you forget to rinse your privates and incur hours of itching and irritation until you can return home and hose down your scrotum. I know someone that had that happen.
That’s called Earth.
I fired a tommy gun once, that takes .45 too. It kicked pretty hard, but AK47s kick like a mule. I can’t remember what that was firing though.
Wow, that just brought me right back to those days. I think I liked MW2 more than the original. Probably my favorite weapons in any shooter. SPAS 12, akimbo 1887s, tar, intervention, m16, famas, ACR. Commando. One Man Army noob tubes. It kinda sucked when it got hacked to shit, but it was the best of that generation…
This story is bullshit. If you could be hospitalized for inactivity, I would need to have my mail sent there.
I don’t think, from what I’ve read, that the issue people have here is so much about that they sent the memo out about the dress code, but rather how they worded it. The term cultural head scarf is racist as fuck. If they just said head coverings, they might have been okay. Like I said, most rules come about in…
Doesn’t that wording, cultural head scarf, seem directly retaliatory towards this woman to you? That is a form of workplace harassment. It is morally reprehensible, and it is illegal. A lot, maybe even most policies arise out of a situation that warrants them, but you can’t use them to retaliate against an employee.
Get Control Freeks, or some other stick extender, and crank your sensitivity. It might not help, but it also might. Experiment being more or less aggressive. Shadow your friend who does well and see what they do, etc.
Wait, did they call him that because he used to go around fucking people’s wives while they were at work? This just blew my mind.
==JJJJ==D`’-_ Watt.
One of my favorite moments in any game.
Beat it, then immediately get Undead Nightmare. It’s the best DLC of all time.
I played it at a friends house, and I’d rather work at McDonald’s for $10/hr than play The Division for $10/hr.
I played it at a friends house, and I’d rather work at McDonald’s for $10/hr than play The Division for $10/hr.
Foot Fighters, aka Ninja Turtles.