
Better call it thing thing, just to make sure it is completely insulated from offending players.

Michael Lerner 2016!


Aren’t we aware of gun violence, but just don’t give a shit? I mean, you have to literally be illiterate or deprived of your senses to not know that gun violence is endemic to American culture.

That’s because they’re so far up their own ass that they can’t see anyone not wanting to be with them romantically, but at the same time their ego is so fragile that they can’t handle what they need to hear. I was that guy, but then I grew up.

So the other person was forced to hang on every word of someone who clearly isn’t interested in them? You can’t be led on if you decide not to follow. I’ve felt led on before, but after some introspection, I’ve found it was my own fault for emotionally/sexually torturing myself.

I just made a comment about The Legend of Dragoon as well. I loved FFVII, but TLOD was probably my favorite RPG of all time. If only for its combat system.

What about The Legend of Dragoon? Does anyone know of any kind of modern analogue to its combat system? I’m not crazy about RPGs, but that one was one of my favorite ps1 games.

You sure know a lot about this fella considering how much you dislike him. Like, holy shit dude.

Maybe he doesn’t have a sister, but has a daughter, so he thought in those terms? If not, then yeah. Probably patriarchy.

I disagree. If you don’t like it, don’t pay attention to it. But if it helps even one person’s day a little easier because they could make light of their own abuse, be it Jim or any of his fans, it is totally worth it.

Aren’t you kind of telling a victim/survivor/what-have-you how they should cope with their sexual abuse? Shouldn’t they be able to do whatever they feel is appropriate within the boundaries of not hurting themselves or others or perpetuating abuse? I’m no Jim Norton fan, but fuck, if I went through that, I’d probably

More lifting = more muscle = more resting calories burned.

I was merely relaying the sentiments of a fellow self-ascribed feminist. I never claimed anything. Her words, not mine. Your words, not mine.

I went through these discussions with my girlfriend, who considers herself a staunch feminist(she proudly wears her “fight the patriarchy” t-shirt) and she was appalled at how disrespectful and ridiculous a lot of things you and fortheloveofbeets had to say to me. She thought I was quite reasonable in my responses,

After seeing that picture of Lil’ Kim, I now know where Renee Zellweger’s old face went.

Read the rest of my responses. I’ve done research. I’ve aced several women’s studies courses in philosophy and psychology and I’ve read multitudinous publications. I’ve listened closely and empathetically to all my friend’s and family’s firsthand accounts of harassment. I will never know exactly what it’s like to be a

Doesn’t this sort of run contrary to your previous reply to me? As to whether simply scolding a male harasser in public can change their minds in regards to respecting women, you said:

I haven’t yelled at someone since my teens probably, ha. Harassment and misogyny doesn’t really openly manifest within my normal social circles, but with the ruffians I grew up with, I can totally see that being the case. I think I misunderstood you initially, because I was thinking more along the lines of strangers

I agree, and that was more or less my point, thank you! It’s unfortunate, but as long as he has a couple buddies to chuckle about harassing women with, or a woman with a low enough self-esteem to submit to his horse shit, or worse believes it herself, these types of men will exist. Through reinforcing how unacceptable