
I apologize, I have a B.A. in philosophy, so metaphysics is kinda my thing. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t stand up for women, merely that some people are beyond repair, and to those that get off on it, it can even unintentionally reinforce their behavior. I appreciate your response, have a nice day.

No. I think we should try to reach people and establish that women are deserving of respect and equality. I’m not self-congratulating, I’m trying to establish my personal history of involvement in striving for equality and fair treatment of women, given that you could assume any number of things about my level of

The social consequences of me, some dickhead these guys probably see as just as worthless as a woman because I’m willing to show them respect and stick up for them, telling them they should shut up? We can do better than that. We just need to figure out how. I would love to eradicate that way of thinking as much as

It helps when you’re dealing with people capable of compassion and understanding that you can relate to and reason with. Do you sincerely believe all people are capable of that? If so, we exist in different worlds.

So you’re saying that these men don’t know that they’re being gross and disrespectful and they don’t know what they’re doing is wrong, and that me informing them of that will change their mind? Come on. Do you really believe that? Really? You sound like a very smart, thoughtful person, so it’s hard for me to fathom

Do you really believe that people can’t be powerless of certain situations? I think that is a naive sentiment. Chaos and unbridled evil exist in this world.

You really think that they don’t already know it’s wrong to be an objectifying fuck head, but that they do it anyway to get a rise out of you and to feel power when they have none in their miserable little lives? I don’t buy that for a second, and I think if you really thought about it, you wouldn’t buy it either.

Losing their endorsement? Wow... How about not wanting to get their ass beat or stabbed? How about having the same fears of confronting men that women have, even for the same reasons? Rape less so, but certainly physical violence, menacing, and intimidation. This is America, where thousands of people are gunned down.

Were those the same guys that gave their unsolicited opinion that your girlfriend has a sweet dumper outside of DSW? My guess is, no. Not even close.

This would be akin to convincing a staunch Trump supporter to vote Hilary. Do you see why men think it is an exercise in futility to argue the merits of respecting women with douche lords who would probably punch their own mother in the mouth? If you can’t reach them, and if they’re capable of such evil and vitriol,

I’ve read the literature. I donate yearly to a local women’s shelter and a rape crisis center. I tell dudes they’re gross if they say shit to my girlfriend in public. I try to be very considerate and aware of my actions towards women. However, I don’t understand how I can be proactive about not letting sexist

I understand that you are beyond frustrated, but is speaking like this really helping the situation?

Do you really believe that, though? Do you really believe that saying “You’re a piece of shit for being disrespectful of this woman just trying to buy fucking groceries without having someone comment on their looks! You should reconsider your outlook on life, and try to think of how you’d feel if someone said this to

THANK YOU. If they don’t think they can reach these disgusting fucks, what makes them think we could? We can magically reach them because we were born with the same genitals? Somehow, not getting involved makes us complicit? Sure, in a world where people were unanimously capable of compassion and reason, men should

Why aren’t men allowed to be equally terrified as you to confront someone disrespectful enough to act that way? If you’re too afraid to try to reach them, what would make a decent, respectful person like myself more qualified to do so? Because we have the same genitals, we are able to reach these people? I do feel for

I don’t think it’s difficult to believe that it’s happening. My sister and my girlfriend tell me all the time about awful shit dudes say to them out in the wild. My question is, if someone is disrespectful and vile enough to say things like that, what makes you think they’d respect someone standing up for you? Do you

Then, fellow dude, what are we supposed to do? I mean this honestly. What is your plan for reaching these fuck face misogynists? Do you seriously think saying “Hey man, show some respect!” to a stranger is really going to make them change? I want to say you’re vastly more likely to get laughed at or stabbed than to

I don’t understand how men who don’t perpetuate or condone said behavior are complicit. It’s not like cops covering for each other, or racists banding together. The only thing I’d have in common with one of these misogynists is a penis, so I don’t see how I’m expected to stop them from behaving the way they do. If it

While I agree that dropping not all men is a pretty lame response to this article, I still don’t understand why other men become responsible for curtailing their actions. I don’t want to speak to the scary, violent dickhead just as much as you. That’s not because I don’t understand or side with your plight, it’s

Three words: Cracklin’ Oat Bran.