Mike, I normally find your opinions to be on point. However, there is NO MENTION OF CRACKLIN’ OAT BRAN. If you have never had this cereal, prepare to revise this list. If you have, and consciously chose to omit it, you are a rat bastard.
Mike, I normally find your opinions to be on point. However, there is NO MENTION OF CRACKLIN’ OAT BRAN. If you have never had this cereal, prepare to revise this list. If you have, and consciously chose to omit it, you are a rat bastard.
How does Destiny force you to PvP? I know plenty of people who raid that don’t PVP and vice versa.
Later, he said to his wife, “It will only cost S 2000 dollars to replace, the insurance will cover most of it!”
It is by land area, not population. I knew it was certainly not the 5th most populous, but I was surprised by this myself.
I also like to bring up that dihydrogen monoxide is a chemical, and we are made mostly of it. I weep for peoples’ boundless stupidity.
Also, just accepting that out of billions of people, some are going to be better than you at the thing you’re best at. It is human, but also silly, to believe otherwise.
Ankle dress socks? Is that even a thing? I’m all about the black Hanes Dry socks.
No scrubbing. You’re basically just smearing shit all over your ass. See my other comment for the only ticket to a clean ass.
I highly recommend the Hanes™ X-Temp Dry black socks. They are thick, but keep your feet nice and dry. They are the only socks I put my feet in these days.
They’re comfy if you want sweaty feet and your socks sagging around your ankles like a dipshit.
He correct answer, and really, the only way to a clean asshole is as follows:
That could very well be; I’m a bit older and I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 22. It wasn’t that I’m hideous or had impossibly high standards, I was terribly depressed but at least had the awareness to know I didn’t want to foist my mental state on anyone at the time. Having missed out on being sexually active…
Right? If the number of people you slept with is really as trivial as everyone seems to be saying here, what’s the big deal with being honest and forthcoming about it? I’ve actually been asked this way more than I’ve asked, and it’s never seemed like more than anything but something new and interesting to know about…
Honestly, I’m a dude, and I’ve actually been asked this by most women I’ve dated/hooked up with. It’s usually just a fun topic of conversation, I’m really shocked at all the fuss I’m seeing here. Sure, it’s personal, but what’s the harm in being honest with someone you’re being intimate with? My girlfriend and I found…
I’m not saying that I buy it either. Maybe he dumped coffee in his crotch and tapped the brake. Maybe he brake jobbed the guy and was being a dick. Not having been in the car, and not hearing from the driver, there is no way of definitively knowing what the drivers intent was. However, it doesn’t matter. Here is a…
I disagree. How do you know the driver that tapped their brakes didn’t see something in the road, or feel that they wanted to leave a little more distance between them and the minivan before merging? We can’t say for sure what the driver that tapped their brake was doing, or what their intent was. We do know for…
You seriously don’t see the assumptions you’re making about the alleged brake checkers actions? You have no proof they are engaging in road rage.
We can’t be 100% positive he was brake checking. He could have seen something in the road, been slowing to check a blind spot, or disengaging cruise control. We can be 100% certain the tailgater was being a fucking wang and using his/her vehicle to intimidate the driver ahead of them.
Doesn’t it look like they were passing the SUV to their right though? They took a second to get over, right after the tailgater spun out behind them, but it looked like they were waiting until the person in the right lane had a safe distance between them before doing so. There was no one right next to them when this…