
Is she single?

Which is incredible considering you literally have all the time you need before you’re finished writing a letter.

Not sure how. Does Wal-Mart still have a policy where you can return unopened merchandise without a receipt for store credit? You could return it and buy something else.

Not sure how. Does Wal-Mart still have a policy where you can return unopened merchandise without a receipt for

If anything is petty, it’s claiming that society should be more accepting of liars and frauds and by not doing so we are creating a hostile environment for such afflicted characters.

Wrong. People are not pressured in to thinking that. They are however held accountable for their words and actions. If you commit to a relationship, society holds you accountable. If that relationship means you agree to only fuck one another, there you go. If that relationship means you agree to fuck others, there you

honey no

That’s a load of bullshit right there. The anger is not at monogomy, it’s at liars. People who trick their partners in to believing they are in fact in to one partner and only one partner. This isn’t about people not being progressive, open minded or whatever else garbage is currently tossed out. In fact, it’s the

No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.

I think they are absolutely being hyperbolic regarding the punishments.

But then is it ok for an HIV+ person to not disclose that info to someone they are going to engage in sexual congress with? I would say it’s not, that’s info that should be shared.

First off fuck Josh Duggar. Sorry but if you have any amount of sympathy for a man who STUCK HIS FINGERS INTO HIS 4 YEAR OLD SISTERS VAGINA then you can die on that hill alone. Furthermore if your Catholic friend didn’t know what his wife’s views on non-procreation sex were when he married her, well that’s his fuck

Your right to swing your fist ends with the other guy’s nose. Period. Do whatever the hell you want, but when you start hurting other people, you’ve relinquished your right to live judgment free. I don’t agree with the privacy leak (that’s a separate issue) but having an opinion about this guy’s publicly and

Nonsense. Reasonable people may have different opinions about whether abortion is immoral, or about whether polyamory is immoral, or whether open marriages are immoral. And people with different opinions about that shouldn’t impose their morality on others. But the immorality of taking advantage of a spouse’s trust to

Ok, so, just to be clear, you think that:

Almost everyone commenting wants him humiliated and broken in some way? That’s weird. Mostly I saw people saying he’s an ass and maybe he should go talk to his wife. Perhaps you would do well not exaggerating.

Wait, what are you talking about? Opinions or the leak itself? Because they’re different things. People shouldn’t have their privacy violated, even guys like this one. Duggar is something else. What’s hypocritical here? That people don’t like this guy for lying? They’re not saying cheating should be made illegal.

Fuck that “he was a devout Catholic” bullshit. You know what’s in the Ten Commandments? Not Committing Adultery. You know what isn’t? Not Getting a Divorce. Bottom Line he feels entitled to sex and doesn’t respect his wife. Done and done.

I find this guy disgusting. That’s my opinion. I’m not gonna go tell his wife, though. You’re right. That’s none of my business. I’m not really sure what you’re upset about. The fact that people don’t like his actions? Um, yeah. They sound douchey. Because he’s lying. To his wife. People don’t like liars. I don’t see

“What if such a request would prompt a separation/divorce where one wasn’t desired?”

Desired by whom? We know that it’s not desired by him, but he’s not the only one in the relationship. This is just a passive way of saying that letting his wife decide whether she wants to stay married isn’t an option because it might

But don’t you see, if he was honest with his wife she might end the relationship and he doesn’t want that! I don’t see that he has any choice but to do something that gives him exactly what he wants all the time without his wife having the power to make any decisions about the state of their marriage.