
Having a stretchy costume on under regular clothes makes so much more sense than then He-Hulk’s magic pants that somehow become stretchy shorts.

I suspect it’s a little more delusional than good honest lying, sadly.

Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.

I know there’s already a thread about it, but Xur selling Gjallarhorn for 17 strange coins is the best deal in gaming today.

I know there’s already a thread about it, but Xur selling Gjallarhorn for 17 strange coins is the best deal in

That’s the thing that gets me. What is the platform that is being advocated for that Sanders somehow isn’t endorsing? None of these handwringing thinkpieces articulate it. Is there a policy that the candidates should endorse? What’s the plan?

Hillary gets advance notice and a closed door private meeting, Sanders and O’Malley get ambushed. Right.

I’m not even mad at the opposition, but my “team mates”, perfectly lined up for a the game winning goal or a heroic save, team mate comes around bumps me just enough to miss, he or she never even had the angle to to do anything “profitable”...

I haven’t yelled obscenities at my screen so much since playing COD: MW2

I know we all love to pretend professional athletes are only controlled by the unwritten rules and culture of their sports while in the locker room, but shouldn’t Enemkpali, you know, go to jail if he cold-cocked a guy hard enough to break his jaw?

No it’s not. It’s a run-on with 5 commas. This shit was unpleasant to read. Interesting and worthy, but not well written.

Were they genuine? Hell if rhino.

Has he been lion this whole time?

The conservative ability to turn literally anything into a self-congratulatory pat on the back...sometimes it’s just fucking incredible to behold.

I guess if we’re not all eSports heroes then it’s not worth celebrating?! That’s a bad attitude.

The raddest, Patrick - don’t let them bring you down!

Because it is, quite clearly, a rad goal.

Let the guy share his joy ay

It’s an awesome goal.

Dipshits In Cars Getting Prune Juice

Doesn't the "free for a year" mean that you can upgrade for free and have it for free, as long as you do it within a year of the release date?