Stinkus Hoof-Swayton

I really hate to defend that suit and shoes combo, but the colors are fine.

The Walt Whitman Bridge seems like the ideal place to be caught with a few leaves of grass.


Tebow reached on a fielder’s choice...

“Aren’t you getting tired of these other nations embarrassing us?”

Mascherano’s reaction might be better.

Sooooo...... no mention of the guy on the right being Sean Hannity after getting his head run over by a jeep?

See, I’m sure it’s informative, but then I’d have to listen to Malcolm fucking Gladwell.

“First of all, [Donald Trump] has no game”
-Clare Malone, Fivethirtyeight

buddy I have seen all your comments and guess what: ur a joek

His answers here show how the Republicans, In the matter of just a couple of election cycles, are no longer the party of fiscal conservatism. Instead they are simply a party of extreme xenophobia and isolationism. Their primary guiding principle is America uber alles.

and he (usually) calls a good game.

This is a weird fucking picture

“There are beautiful young girls in Ghana and they won’t leave them alone.”

Hutu soon.

They said Ivorian-Scot, not Rwandan-Scot.

Thank god the fun police showed up. Honestly, what’s the point of your comment? Just wanted to rain on someone’s parade?

“Martino’s being named Atlanta’s coach won’t do anything to fix the underlying issues plaguing American soccer as a whole”