I want to marry your son
I want to marry your son
He is definitely an outside Dogg
I’d still like to hit her prime
Protip: For couples with young children, you may want to suggest doing dinner AFTER the kids’ bedtime, at their place.
The Greeks. Dropping bombs on Aussies since 1843
Chic-fil-a cow
Note: Josh Naylor will be represented in court by Johnnie Cochran and Associates, who have extensive experience with knife pranks
Beat me to it
Order shall not be restored until they shave the goatees.
6. West (if Khalil Musa Amar)
Mike the Tiger, of Baton Rouge, is survived by his brother, Tony, 23. In respect of the family’s wishes, Mike will be buried in an unmarked Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrave
+1 loose interpretation of the term
Buster Olney’s face is lumps
And he’s cruising for a braising