
My father was abusive. He beat my mother multiple times, and my brother and I once each. After he beat me, he told me I couldn’t tell anyone because they’d break up our family, not only taking me and my brother from the house but splitting us up as well. That terrified me, and I know that the fear of being unable to

I would immediately boycott any advertiser who buys air time on TrumpTV. Trouble is, I’m not in the market for gold, and I prefer to make my own chocolate-covered berries, so my boycott may not have much effect.

Women always have to work harder. Gandalf could wait until after the Balrog was defeated to become the White Wizard. Hillary had to make the transformation in the middle of her orange-demon fight.

Same from my retail days. And thinking back on some of my shopping trips, I’ve used my pockets and then paid, so the “out the door” rule makes sense.

Yeah, 45-50 is about my limit for windows down. Below that, the air is pleasant, the noise is just about right, and if a good song is on the radio I can pretend I’m cool. Past 50, though, the wind’s too much, and you have to choose between making it more intense by having multiple windows down or deal with thrumming.

I’m going to play Diablo 3. I bought it on sale probably a year ago, and only first played it last week. New to me is new enough!

I can’t post pictures, for some reason, but here are a few highlights from Northern Colorado.

I do have a hardware problem (hence the reference to touch disease) that makes the touch screen unusable, so, yes, actually texting anything is a pain in the ass at the moment.

In the last week, my 6 Plus’s touch disease has become basically terminal. I have a 7 Plus on the way, so I’m just figuring out workaround’s until it’s here. I tried yesterday to have Siri let my wife know I’d arrived to pick her up. I sometimes send my location in Messages by using the “send my location” button, so I

Yup. Got a 7 Plus for me (matte black) and my wife (rose gold) on the way.

I’ve been to B-dubs once, many many years ago, but still know it’s B-dubs. It’s Buffalo (a single B) Wild Wings (two Ws), thus B-dubs is the natural nickname. I was raised a raised a Jehovah’s Witness, and will shorten that to JWs when I’m writing about it, and my internal pronunciation while writing is Jay-Dubs, as

I believe there’s an inverse-square law at work with video games sports: the easier it is to actually round up some friends and play the real sport, the less fun the video game version will be.

On the one hand, fuck Bill Cosby and everything he’s ever done. May he rot in hell.

Gene Wilder’s sense of comedic timing was perfection itself. Every time I watch any of his performances, I’m in awe of it.

There are plenty of places and plenty of times where you could conceivably claim to be passing for hundreds of miles. “If I get in the right lane now, I’m just going to have to get back in the left in a minute to pass the next car, so I’ll stay where I am.” Never mind that if you got over now, the person behind you

Corporal Crawl

I don’t fly anymore. Living in Colorado I’m within reasonable-to-only-slightly-uncomfortable day-driving distance from just about everywhere in the country. Between the indignities of the TSA and the time lost to delays and cancellations, it’s just not worth it.

My iviolable rules of air travel are the exact opposite.

While we may not have missed much, this is still indicative of why I don’t go out of my way to watch NBC’s broadcasts. When I tune into a live event, I’d like it to be live and I’d like it to be complete.