
Through 4 years of school, 1 year of visiting regularly, and 2.5 as a townie, I’ve never eaten the food at the Chicken. I ate at Chicken Oil maybe twice in college.

Meet me in Navasota.

Fight me

That rally nor the shooting at TWS represent the vast majority of BCS residents.

I said three years ago that the show had too much going on. It was too complex and, short of having an infinite run, was going to collapse on itself as it careened to an inevitably cut-short ending. Now I just like laughing at the show coming to its hurried conclusion.

As much fun as it was to just slash and hack/force choke enemies throughout the game, the boss battles were stupid, timed button mashing. The story has no place in the canon but it was an OK game.

Car Bros is funny whether you’re familiar with what they’re lampooning or not.

Itchy itchy itchy

Meh. I like beef and it’s better to do as much as possible with the rest of the cow than do nothing at all.

So Bronn is some sort of superhuman. He form tackled Jamie off of a speeding horse and sent him far enough beyond the lake’s shallows to sink into the depths. The Cowboys could use him on defense.

Maybe this was explained back in season 5 or 6, but didn’t the Children of the Forest create the White Walkers because they were being slaughtered by the First Men? Then they joined up to force the White Walkers back to the North, basically dooming themselves in the process?

Origin stories will be the death of film and prestige TV.

Why is Chris Christie seated with the proles anyway? Doesn’t he have some owner suite he can get into since he’s friends with everybody and a fan of every team?

I don’t really buy jerseys anymore (because I’m an adult), but I told the wife yesterday that if I ever buy another, it would be Beltre.

Looks like a Chinese knock-off compared to what you see in the promo video.

Justin followed me on Twitter shortly after he made it big. I feel special.

Renting a drag strip for a twice around the clock race isn’t financially feasible.

Was there a Daily Texan clique back in the day when 1/3 of the staff were Longhorns?

My Amazon alarm clock awakes me from my slumber. I shower with Amazon body wash and dress myself in my Amazon work clothes. I drive my Amazon car to the Amazon office. At work, I spend my day processing data on the latest Amazon corn harvest, moving numbers around to figure out how much Amazon Ethanol will be

I’m so happy because today
I’ve found my friends
They’re in my head