
@whatne1wuddo: Those are free services and a mobile phone operating system.

One other reason this will flop...

This is the same reason why windows mobile is (or was) suffering. The mobile handsets do not share any common performance specs or common User Interface. Every vendor wants to put on their own fling.

Happened to me. The alarm failed even the next day.

I can appreciate the simplicity, but they should have included an LCD display to confirm user input.

How else do you think facebook generates revenue?

@snitch: Agreed. Who on earth would use these annoying message tones. The whole idea is to be a short alert message!

Microsoft just sucks at updates, they fail to know how to manage services and background tasks.

@iHowiz: yup that works too...good point

@johnpooley3: use the "bang bang" command to repeat the last command, much faster than pasting over and over.

@cheesecake000: no, not in halo reach, i just the played the whole game through.

I agree as well. I have a brand new Sony Bravia XBR with full 3D support, and have had no interest to even try it, let alone sit in the living room wearing those huge active 3D glasses.

you guys are all rookies...

I for one, am not resistant to change and like to try new things, but the new button layout was a dumb move.

How about free: "Note" pad applications, native to the smart phone.

Awesome workmanship. Lucas film should hire this guy for all their props. I would buy a dozen of these!

I for one, am not sad to see them go. I began to dislike Blockbuster when they bought out Sound Warehouse and pretty much ruined the only good remaining music/movie shop left.

It would help if netflix would improve their streaming content. Most of the movies available for streaming are crap that no one wants to watch.

@RacecarBoobTat: You can always throw it across the room when you are done...